§ 57-9-1. Short title
This chapter may be cited as the “Industrial Training Law of 1964.”
This chapter may be cited as the “Industrial Training Law of 1964.”
It is hereby declared that the state public welfare demands, and the state public policy requires: That a balanced economic development of this state is essential. That the present and prospective health, safety, morals, pursuit of happiness, right of gainful employment and the general welfare of the citizens demand as a public purpose, the development […]
The Mississippi Agricultural and Industrial Board, hereinafter referred to as the “board,” is hereby authorized and empowered to formulate and place into existence, plans for industrial plant training and recruitment for new and expanded industries, or both, in Mississippi. To that end, there is hereby created and provided within the board, in addition to all […]
Any municipality, hereinafter referred to as “the applicant,” may, on behalf of any new or expanded industry, or both, in Mississippi, apply to the board for a loan, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for any one (1) new or one (1)expanded industry, which funds shall be used exclusively for the purposes of preparatory […]
In the event the board shall issue a certificate of public convenience and necessity to the applicant, and approve a loan of a sum, such sum as approved to be loaned, shall be disbursed to the applicant upon the execution of a legally valid and enforceable promissory note, deed of trust, or contract, or any […]