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Home » US Law » 2020 Mississippi Code » Title 97 - Crimes » Chapter 13 - Election Crimes

§ 97-13-1. Bribery; influencing electors or election officers

If any elector, manager, clerk or canvasser at any election, or any executive officer attending the same, shall receive any gift, money, financial award, reward, or promise thereof or if any person shall offer such gift, money, financial award, reward, or promise thereof to influence any elector, clerk, canvasser, or any executive officer attending any […]

§ 97-13-13. Ballots; removal before close of polls

If any person shall take or remove any ballot from a voting place before the close of the polls, he shall, on conviction, be imprisoned in the county jail not more than one (1) year, or be fined not more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), or both.

§ 97-13-15. Limitations on corporate contributions to political party or candidate

It shall be unlawful for any corporation, incorporated company or incorporated association, by whatever name it may be known, incorporated or organized under the laws of this state, or doing business in this state, or for any servant, agent, employee or officer thereof, to give, donate, appropriate or furnish directly or indirectly, any money, security, […]

§ 97-13-19. Corrupt conduct, etc., by election official

If any manager, clerk, or any other officer whatever, assisting or engaged in conducting any election, or charged with any duty in reference to any election, shall designedly omit to do any official act required by law, or designedly do any illegal act in relation to any election, by which act or omission the votes […]

§ 97-13-21. Disturbing election

If any person shall unlawfully disturb any election at a polling place, the office of the circuit clerk, or where ballots are located, such person shall be liable to indictment, and, on conviction, be imprisoned in the county jail not more than one (1) year, or be fined not more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), […]

§ 97-13-23. Failure or refusal to make return of votes cast

If any manager or returning officer shall fail or refuse to make return of the votes cast in any election, as required of him, he shall, on conviction, be imprisoned in the State Penitentiary not more than two (2) years, or be fined not more than Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00), or both; or in a […]

§ 97-13-25. Registration; falsely procuring registration

Any person who shall knowingly procure his or any person’s registration as a qualified elector, when the person whose registration is being procured is not entitled to be registered as such, or under a false name, or as a qualified elector in any other election precinct than that in which he or she resides, shall, […]

§ 97-13-27. Registration; neglect or misconduct by registrar

If any registrar appointed by law to register votes shall intentionally refuse or neglect to register any voter entitled to registration, or register any voter not entitled to registration, he shall be punished, on conviction, be imprisoned in the State Penitentiary not more than two (2) years, or be fined not more than Three Thousand […]

§ 97-13-29. Troops of armed men not to be brought near election place

It shall not be lawful for any military officer or other persons to order, bring, or keep any troops of armed men at any place within a mile of the place where any election is held, unless it be for the purpose of quelling a riot or insurrection, in the manner provided by law, or […]

§ 97-13-3. Bribery; hiring canvasser to use unlawful means

If any person shall offer or give a gift, money, financial award, reward or other promise thereof to another for the purpose of inducing him, by any unlawful means not amounting to bribery, to procure any person to vote at any election for or against any person or measure, the person so giving or offering […]

§ 97-13-31. Voting; aid in preparing ballot prohibited

If any election officer or other person, except as authorized by law, shall aid or assist, or influence, a voter in preparing a ballot, or shall attempt so to do, he or she shall, on conviction, be imprisoned in the county jail not more than one (1) year, or be fined not more than One […]

§ 97-13-36. Multiple voting; penalties

Any person who shall knowingly vote at any election in more than one (1) county or at more than one (1) place in any county, municipality or other political subdivision with the intent to have more than one (1) vote counted in any election shall be guilty of the crime of multiple voting and, upon […]

§ 97-13-37. Intimidating, boycotting, etc., elector to procure vote

Whoever shall procure, or endeavor to procure, the vote of any elector, or the influence of any person over other electors, at any election, for himself or any candidate, by means of violence, threats of violence, or threats of withdrawing custom, or dealing in business or trade, or of enforcing the payment of a debt, […]

§ 97-13-39. Intimidating elector to prevent voting

If any person shall, by illegal force, or threats of force, prevent, or endeavor to prevent, any elector from giving his vote, he shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned in the county jail not more than one (1) year, or be fined not more than Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00), or both. If any person shall, utilize […]

§ 97-13-43. Penalty for willfully tampering with or damaging voting machine, tabulating computer or other device used in connection with election or preventing correct operation of said machine or device

Any person who willfully tampers with or damages any voting machine or tabulating computer or device to be used or being used at or in connection with any election or who prevents or attempts to prevent the correct operation of any voting machine or tabulating computer or device shall be guilty of a felony and, […]