Upon the election of any county to employ a clerk for the justice court of such county in accordance with the provisions of subsection (3) of Section 9-11-27 prior to January 1, 1984, the venue of criminal actions in such county shall be as provided in subsection (2) of this section. From and after January […]
If on the trial of any criminal case the justice court judge discover that it is a felony, and not a misdemeanor, of which the accused has been guilty, he shall not punish the offender nor render any judgment finally disposing of the case, but shall require him to give bail for his appearance in […]
Upon conviction of any person of a misdemeanor in a justice court of this state, the justice court judge shall be authorized, in his discretion, to sentence such person to: A period of time in jail to be served either on weekends only; Other periods of time during the week wherein such offender may not […]
A justice court judge shall not dismiss a criminal case but may transfer the case to a municipal court within the county if the justice court judge is prohibited from presiding over the case by the Canons of Judicial Conduct and provided that venue and jurisdiction is proper in the municipal court. Upon transfer of […]
Anyone bringing a criminal matter in the justice court shall lodge the affidavit with the judge or clerk of the justice court. The clerk shall record all affidavits and shall, as far as practicable, assign criminal cases to the justice court judges in the county on a rotating basis to ensure equal distribution of the […]
On affidavit of the commission of any crime, of which the justice court has jurisdiction, lodged with the justice court, the clerk shall, upon direction by a justice court judge of the county, issue a warrant for the arrest of the offender returnable forthwith or on a certain day to be named. The clerk, or […]
A justice of the peace may issue a subpoena for a witness to any county, in a criminal case, and enforce obedience thereto.
It is lawful for any officer having a person in custody by virtue of a warrant of a justice court judge, in a case in which the judge has a final jurisdiction, to take bond with sufficient sureties, in a sum of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00), nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), […]
A defendant in a criminal case before a justice court judge where the potential period of incarceration is more than six (6) months in jail, in like manner as in civil cases, may demand a jury, and thereupon the justice shall proceed as in other cases. If the potential of incarceration is less than six […]