13-628a. Municipal judges in certain cities. In all cities of the first class which have a population of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more, and which shall have the city-manager plan of government at the effective date of this act, the court shall be designated the municipal court, and the judge of the municipal court […]
13-628d. Same; clerk appointed by municipal judge. The municipal judge of division No. 1 shall appoint a clerk, who shall hold office at the pleasure of said judge. The clerk, under the direction of said judge, shall have authority to make out, sign and issue all processes of said court, administer oaths required in proceedings […]
13-628l. Municipal judges in certain cities; appointment by district court judges. In all cities of the first class located in counties having a population of more than sixty thousand (60,000) and not more than one hundred thousand (100,000), the judge of the municipal court shall be appointed by the judges of the district court of […]