14-516. Main or intercepting sewers; districts. Whenever it shall be the judgment of the governing body of any city of the second class that in addition to the sewer districts to be carved out of the territory embraced within the corporate limits thereof, as now provided by law, that it is necessary to build and […]
14-517. Same; contracts for main and lateral sewers. Whenever the governing body of a city of the second class shall by ordinance declare and establish a sewer district composed of the territory as in K.S.A. 14-516 provided necessary, they shall at the same time as far as may be divide the territory adjacent to said […]
14-518. Same; laws applicable; cost of plans for main sewer. The other provisions of law relating to the construction of sewers shall govern any city of the second class in the construction of the lateral sewers herein referred to, in the manner as by law provided, but the said main sewer herein provided for shall […]
14-519. Same; bonds for main sewer. For the purpose of paying for such main sewer herein provided for, the municipal authorities of cities of the second class may issue bonds and sell and dispose of the same in any sum not exceeding forty thousand dollars, in addition to the authority now vested in them by […]
14-520. Same; power of governing body. For the purpose of making the improvements aforesaid, as in this act provided, the governing body of said cities of the second class shall be the sole judges of the expediency of making said improvements provided for herein and the issuance of said bonds in payment therefor, the protest […]
14-521. Same; depth and size of main sewer. The said sewer so to be constructed shall be sunk in the ground deep enough and be large enough to carry off the sewage for the territory drained by it and the other sewerage systems that may be constructed to a connection therewith as well. History: L. […]
14-523. Same; how paid; plans and specifications. The building and construction of the storm water sewers or drains shall be at the expense of the entire municipality and shall be upon plans and specifications of the city engineer or engineer employed by the city and may be built by the city or let to the […]
14-524. Same; bonds; not within debt limitation; protest petition on bonds in excess of $50,000. For the purpose of paying for each storm water sewer or drain ordered constructed by it under this act the governing body of any city, except cities located within a county having a population of more than one hundred eighty […]
14-531. Special lighting system in cities of second and third class. The governing body of any city of the second or third class is hereby authorized to especially illuminate certain districts thereof and to construct, install, equip and maintain a system of artificial lights for that purpose in addition to the system of street lights […]
14-532. Same; petition; notice and hearing. Whenever a petition is filed in the office of the city clerk of any such city, setting forth that a certain street or portion of a street, not less than one block, naming and describing it, should be specially illuminated, and that an additional system of lights is necessary […]
14-533. Same; hearing; installation. At the time and place set for the hearing of the petition, as provided in the next preceding section, it shall be the duty of the governing body to first ascertain and determine whether notice has been given of the time and place fixed for the hearing, as required by this […]
14-534. Same; expense and operation; assessments; contracts. The cost and expense of constructing, installing, and equipping such additional system of lights shall be assessed against the lots or pieces of land abutting on the portion of street described in the petition, according to the front foot thereof, and such special assessment shall be levied by […]
14-535. Same; costs; tax levy, use of proceeds; special lighting fund. The governing body of any such city is hereby authorized to levy an annual tax on all taxable tangible property in such city to be used for the purpose of paying the cost and expenses of maintaining and operating such additional system of lights […]
14-536. Same; limitation of actions. No suit or action of any kind shall be maintained in any court to set aside or in any way contest or enjoin the levy or collection of any tax or special assessment levied under the provisions of this act, after the expiration of thirty days from the time the […]
14-537. City parks commission; membership; increase in, when; powers and duties. Every city of the second class establishing city parks under the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1301 to 12-1306, inclusive, and acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, is hereby authorized to perform all the duties and exercise all the powers therein granted and imposed through a […]
14-538. Same; maintenance of parks; tax levy, use of proceeds. For the purpose of maintaining such parks and to pay a portion of the principal and interest on bonds issued by such city under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments thereto, the governing body of any city named in K.S.A. 14-537 is hereby authorized […]
14-539. Same; laws applicable. All the provisions of Laws of 1909, chapter 69, sections 1 [12-1301], 2 [12-1302] and 3 [12-1303], as amended by Laws of 1915, chapter 125, section 1 [12-1301], Laws of 1913, chapter 81, section 1, and Laws of 1915, chapter 124, section 1 [12-1306], insofar as they can be made applicable […]
14-556. Improvement of state or federal highways; eminent domain; bonds. The governing body of any city of the second class is hereby authorized and empowered to improve state or federal highways located in such city, and in order to do so may condemn or purchase land at such times and in such amount as may […]
14-557. Same; bond election. The necessity for the condemnation or purchase of land and the improvement or widening of any state or federal highway, including the character of improvements, located in any city referred to in K.S.A. 14-556, shall be determined by the governing body of any such city. No bonds shall be issued pursuant […]
14-560. Repairing or resurfacing certain streets; bonds; election. Whenever the governing body of any city of the second class shall deem it necessary to resurface or repair any paved street or any portion thereof, which paved street was occupied by a street railway and along which said street railway has abandoned its rails; and the […]