17-7901. Citation of act; applicability. (a) This act shall be known and may be cited as the business entity standard treatment act. (b) The provisions of this act shall apply to all documents related to corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships and limited liability partnerships required to be filed with the secretary of state pursuant […]
17-7902. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) “Covered entity” means: (1) A corporation; (2) a limited partnership; (3) a limited liability partnership; and (4) a limited liability company. (b) “Foreign covered entity” means a covered entity whose internal affairs are governed by the laws of a jurisdiction other than this state. (c) “Public organic […]
17-7903. Filings related to corporations. [See Revisor’s Note] The following documents related to corporations shall be filed with the secretary of state: (a) For-profit filings: (1) For-profit articles of incorporation as set forth in K.S.A. 17-6002, and amendments thereto; (2) professional association articles of incorporation as set forth in K.S.A. 17-2709, 17-2711 and 17-6002, and […]
17-7904. Filings related to limited liability companies. [See Revisor’s Note] The following documents related to limited liability companies shall be filed with the secretary of state: (a) Articles of organization as set forth in K.S.A. 17-7673 and K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 17-7673a, and amendments thereto; (b) professional articles of organization as set forth in K.S.A. 17-7673 […]
17-7905. Filings related to limited partnerships. [See Revisor’s Note] (a) The following documents related to limited partnerships shall be filed with the secretary of state: (1) Certificate of limited partnership as set forth in K.S.A. 56-1a151, and amendments thereto; (2) foreign application for registration as set forth in K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 17-7931, and amendments thereto; […]
17-7906. Filings related to limited liability partnerships. [See Revisor’s Note] (a) The following documents related to limited liability partnerships shall be filed with the secretary of state: (1) Statement of qualification as set forth in K.S.A. 56a-1001, and amendments thereto; (2) foreign statement of qualification as set forth in K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 17-7931, and amendments […]
17-7907. Rules and regulations. The secretary of state is hereby authorized to adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. No rule and regulation adopted pursuant to this section shall take effect prior to January 1, 2015. History: L. 2014, ch. 121, § 7; July 1.
17-7908. Execution of filings. All documents required by this act to be filed with the secretary of state shall be executed as follows: (a) Documents related to corporations shall be executed in the following manner: (1) The articles of incorporation for all corporations, and any other document to be filed before the election of the […]
17-7909. Execution of filing constitutes an oath. (a) The execution of any document required to be filed by chapter 17 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, and by this act with the secretary of state shall constitute an oath or affirmation, under the penalties of perjury, that the facts stated in the document […]
17-7910. Filing process; signatures; tender of taxes and fees; certification by secretary of state; evidence of authority to file not required. [See Revisor’s Note] When any document is required by this act to be filed with the secretary of state, such requirement means that: (a) The original signed document shall be delivered to the office […]
17-7911. Effective date. Any document that is required by this act to be filed with the secretary of state shall be effective upon its filing date. Any document may provide that it is not to become effective until a specified date subsequent to its filing date, but such date shall not be later than 90 […]
17-7912. Correction of inaccurate filing, administrative errors. (a) When any document that is required by this act to be filed with the secretary of state has been so filed and is an inaccurate record of the covered entity action therein referred to, or was defectively or erroneously executed, such document may be corrected by filing […]
17-7913. Secretary of state not liable; not required to file documents not conforming to law. The secretary of state is not required to file any document that the secretary of state finds, on its face, does not conform to law. If any document required to be filed by this act with the secretary of state […]
17-7914. Filing by telefacsimile or electronic communication. (a) Any document required to be filed by this act with the secretary of state may be filed by telefacsimile communication. If such telefacsimile communication is accompanied with the appropriate fees, and meets the statutory requirements, it shall be effective upon its filing date or future effective date […]
17-7915. Service of process on covered entity or series of a limited liability company. Service of process in any action against a covered entity or a series of a limited liability company shall be made in the manner described in K.S.A. 60-304, and amendments thereto. History: L. 2014, ch. 121, § 15; L. 2019, ch. […]
17-7916. Attorneys-in-fact and power of attorney; irrevocable power of attorney. (a) Unless otherwise provided in a covered entity’s public organic document or organic rules, any person may sign any document filed with the secretary of state pursuant to this act by an attorney-in-fact, but a power of attorney to sign a certificate relating to the […]
17-7917. Failure or refusal to execute document; court to order execution. If a person required by this act to execute any document fails or refuses to do so, any other person who is adversely affected by the failure or refusal may petition the district court to direct the execution of the document. If the court […]
17-7918. Names of covered entities or foreign covered entities; permitted names in general. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), the names of all covered entities, except for banks, savings and loan associations and savings banks, must be distinguishable on the records of the office of the secretary of state from: (1) The name […]
17-7919. Name requirements for corporations. (a) The name of a corporation, except for banks, savings and loan associations, savings banks and public benefit corporations, shall contain: (1) One of the following words: “Association”; “church”; “college”; “company”; “corporation”; “club”; “foundation”; “fund”; “incorporated”; “institute”; “society”; “union”; “university”; “syndicate” or “limited”; (2) one of the following abbreviations: “Co.”; […]
17-7920. Name requirements for limited liability companies. (a) The name of a limited liability company shall contain: (1) One of the following phrases: “limited liability company” or “limited company”; (2) one of the following abbreviations: “L.L.C.” or “L.C.”; or (3) one of the following designations: “LLC” or “LC.” (b) The name of a limited liability […]