19-1601. Location or removal of county seat, when; petition; order for election. When the county seat of any county has not been located by a vote of the electors of the county, and county buildings have not been erected at the county seat at a cost to the county of at least one thousand dollars, […]
19-1601a. Office at place other than county seat; validation. Whenever a board of county commissioners has established in any county at a place other than the county seat of said county, an office for the rendering of county services by county officials, such action of the board of county commissioners is hereby validated, confirmed and […]
19-1601b. Same; deputy or clerks; compensation; additional compensation to county officer. Such board of county commissioners may require any county official to provide a deputy or such clerk or clerks as may be necessary to render services of his office at such place in the county as the board of county commissioners shall direct. Such […]
19-1602. Election for relocation of county seat, when; petition; registration. That in all cases where the county seat of any county in this state has been, or shall hereafter be located by a vote of the electors of such county, or where county buildings have been erected, donated, or purchased at the county seat, the […]
19-1603. Estimate of value of lots. That for the purpose of ascertaining the compensation to which any person may be entitled under the provisions of section 2 [*] of this act, the board of county commissioners of the proper county shall appoint three disinterested freeholders, electors of the county commissioners, whose duty it shall be […]
19-1604. Determination of legal electors. For the purposes of this act, the county commissioners shall be governed by the last assessment rolls of the several township and city assessors of the county, and no petitioner shall be deemed a legal elector unless he be an elector and his name appears on said rolls. History: G.S. […]
19-1605. When election held; notices. The elections provided for in this act shall be held within fifty days after the presentation of the petition therefor; and the county commissioners shall cause thirty days’ notice of any such election to be given, by publication in one or more newspapers published in the county, or by posting […]
19-1606. Canvass of first election. The board of commissioners shall meet on the Saturday following said election, and proceed to canvass the vote; and the place having received the majority of all the votes cast shall be proclaimed by them the county seat of the county. History: G.S. 1868, ch. 26, § 6; March 3; […]
19-1607. Second election. When the county seat of any county has not been located by a vote of the legal electors of the county, if on the first election for the location thereof no place shall receive a majority of all the votes cast a second election shall be held on the second Tuesday thereafter, […]
19-1608. Canvass of second election. In case of a second election, the board of county commissioners shall meet on the Saturday following, canvass the vote and proclaim the result, as hereinbefore provided. History: G.S. 1868, ch. 26, § 8; March 3; R.S. 1923, 19-1608.
19-1609. Removal to new county seat; time; penalty for failure. The county officers who are required by law to keep their offices at the county seat shall within twenty days after said proclamation remove all books, records, papers and furniture belonging to the county, to the place therein named; and if any officer shall fail […]
19-1610. How elections conducted. Elections provided for in this act shall be conducted in all respects as provided for by the general election laws of the state. History: G.S. 1868, ch. 26, § 10; March 3; R.S. 1923, 19-1610.
19-1611. Days for elections. No election under this act shall be held on the day of any general election. History: G.S. 1868, ch. 26, § 11; March 3; R.S. 1923, 19-1611.
19-1612. Ballots at elections. At all elections under this act the ballots shall be headed “For county seat,” and following thereafter shall be the name of the place for which the elector desires to cast his vote. History: G.S. 1868, ch. 26, § 12; March 3; R.S. 1923, 19-1612.
19-1613. Board of registry. That the persons authorized by law to act as judges of elections in any election or voting precinct of this state shall constitute a board of registry for their respective voting precincts, and shall meet on Tuesday, three weeks preceding any election for the permanent location or relocation of the county […]
19-1614. Register. Said registers shall each contain a list of the persons so qualified and entitled to vote in said voting precinct at the coming election for the permanent location or relocation of the county seat; alphabetically arranged according to their respective surnames, so as to show in one column the name at full length, […]
19-1615. Appointment of judges; new precincts. In case in any township there shall be two or more election precincts, and in any of said precincts there shall not reside any authorized judge of election, the township trustee of the township shall appoint three judges of election to make such registration. In case in any voting […]
19-1616. Revision of register. The said board shall again meet on Tuesday of the week preceding the said election, in their respective voting precincts at the place designated for holding the polls of the election, for the purpose of revising, correcting and completing said lists; and for this purpose, in cities, they shall meet at […]
19-1617. Proceedings and hearings of board. The proceedings of said board shall be open, and all persons residing and entitled to vote in said voting precinct shall be entitled to be heard by said board in relation to corrections or additions to said register. One of the lists so kept by the judges as aforesaid […]
19-1618. Names to be erased or placed on list; false information; oaths. It shall be the duty of said board, at their meeting for revising and correcting said lists, to erase therefrom the name of any person inserted therein who shall be proved by the oath of two legal voters of said voting precinct, to […]