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Home » US Law » 2021 Kansas Statutes » Chapter 2 - Agriculture » Article 1 - State And Other Agricultural Societies And Fairs

2-131f Ellis county; acquisition of land for fairground expansion; petition; election.

2-131f. Ellis county; acquisition of land for fairground expansion; petition; election. The board of county commissioners of Ellis county, upon request of the officially recognized county fair association in Ellis county, and upon making a determination that it is in the best interest of the county to expand its fairground by the acquisition of additional […]

2-132b Contributions to payment of premiums awarded in adjoining counties.

2-132b. Contributions to payment of premiums awarded in adjoining counties. With respect to any county fair held in any county, the board of county commissioners of any adjoining county which does not maintain, or assist in maintaining, a county or district fair may pay the premiums awarded to residents of their respective counties at the […]

2-133 Control by county; appointment of directors.

2-133. Control by county; appointment of directors. All land and buildings acquired by virtue of the provisions of K.S.A. 2-132 shall be held in the name of the county and under the control of the board of county commissioners: Provided, The board of county commissioners shall at their first meeting after the purchase or acceptance […]

2-136 Mortgage of property.

2-136. Mortgage of property. Property, real and personal, owned by county fair associations organized and operating under the provisions of this act shall not be mortgaged except on a majority vote of the stockholders at an annual meeting. History: L. 1929, ch. 1, § 12; L. 1975, ch. 495, § 9; July 1.

2-137 Forfeiture of benefits and recognition; exemption; discontinuance during wartime.

2-137. Forfeiture of benefits and recognition; exemption; discontinuance during wartime. Any county fair association organized and operating under the provisions of this act failing to hold a fair each year shall forfeit all benefits provided in this act, including official recognition, and the board of county commissioners may, upon application, recognize some other qualified fair […]

2-138 Misrepresentation; penalty.

2-138. Misrepresentation; penalty. Any person who shall knowingly and/or willfully misrepresent any exhibit, or furnish any fair association a false pedigree of livestock, shall upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned in the county jail not less than three […]

2-139 Withholding county aid; causes.

2-139. Withholding county aid; causes. The board of county commissioners may withhold county money from any fair association coming under the provisions of this act, which knowingly permits the sale of intoxicating liquor, the operation of any gambling device, or any immoral show or exhibition detrimental to public morals. History: L. 1929, ch. 1, § […]

2-140 Trespassing on fairgrounds; penalty.

2-140. Trespassing on fairgrounds; penalty. Every person being in or upon the grounds owned or controlled by any fair association who shall attempt to make any display of goods, wares or merchandise, or to furnish any entertainment, without permission of the managing officers of the said association, and every person who shall at any time, […]

2-141 Intent of law; not applicable to certain counties.

2-141. Intent of law; not applicable to certain counties. It is the purpose of this act to provide a general law under which all fairs and agricultural societies of one county or less may operate, and as such shall be liberally construed, and shall be known as the county agricultural fair act: Provided, This act […]

2-141a Invalidity of 2-125 to 2-141.

2-141a. Invalidity of 2-125 to 2-141. If any section, paragraph or provision of this act shall be held to be invalid by any court for any reason, it shall be presumed that this act would have been passed by the legislature without such invalid section, paragraph or provision, and such finding or construction shall not […]

2-142 City aid for county fairs in certain counties; levy.

2-142. City aid for county fairs in certain counties; levy. (a) Except as provided by subsection (b), in any county in the state of Kansas having a population of not less than 9,500 nor more than 11,500 in the year 1928 as shown by the census in the office of the state board of agriculture […]

2-143 County aid; when, amount, purposes.

2-143. County aid; when, amount, purposes. (a) Except as provided by subsection (b), whenever any such city shall levy a tax for the purpose of maintaining a county free fair, the board of county commissioners of the county in which such city is located shall appropriate from the general fund of such county an amount […]

2-144 Fair board; how appointed; organization.

2-144. Fair board; how appointed; organization. The county free fair shall be managed by a board of seven members, four of whom shall be appointed by the governing body of the city and three of whom shall be appointed by the board of county commissioners of the county in which the city is located, one […]

2-144d Fairs in certain counties; designation as an official fair association.

2-144d. Fairs in certain counties; designation as an official fair association. Any county free fair established pursuant to K.S.A. 2-142, and amendments thereto, may apply to the board of county commissioners for designation as an official fair association. If recognized as an official fair association, any county free fair established pursuant to K.S.A. 2-142, and […]

2-145 County poultry show association; county aid, amount; conditions.

2-145. County poultry show association; county aid, amount; conditions. The board of county commissioners of any county in the state of Kansas is hereby authorized to issue warrants in favor of the treasurer of any county poultry show association in such county, not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200) in any one […]

2-145a Tax levies for fair building in certain counties.

2-145a. Tax levies for fair building in certain counties. The board of county commissioners of a county having a population of more than fourteen thousand (14,000) and less than fifteen thousand (15,000) with an assessed tangible valuation of more than forty million dollars ($40,000,000) is hereby authorized to make a tax levy upon all of […]