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Home » US Law » 2021 Kansas Statutes » Chapter 2 - Agriculture » Article 12 - Fertilizers

2-1201 Definitions.

2-1201. Definitions. (1) The term “commercial fertilizer” means any substance designed, intended, used or susceptible for use to supply food for plants or to increase crops produced by land, except the following: (a) Limestone (calcium carbonate), (b) dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate), (c) lime (calcium oxide), (d) slaked lime (calcium hydroxide), (e) gypsum (calcium sulphate), (f) […]

2-1201a Custom blender; license; fee; label or delivery slips; contents.

2-1201a. Custom blender; license; fee; label or delivery slips; contents. Any person desiring to operate as a custom blender shall file an application with the secretary for a license, said application to show the name and address of the applicant and request that a license be issued. The secretary shall issue the license upon receipt […]

2-1201b Custom blenders; unlawful acts; civil penalty.

2-1201b. Custom blenders; unlawful acts; civil penalty. (a) It shall be deemed a violation of K.S.A. 2-1201 and 2-1201a, and amendments thereto, for any person to: (1) Sell or distribute in this state any custom blended fertilizer when such person does not hold a valid license as required by this act; or (2) fail to […]

2-1201c Ammonium nitrate dealers; registration; storage, security; records of sale; right to refuse sale.

2-1201c. Ammonium nitrate dealers; registration; storage, security; records of sale; right to refuse sale. (a) Ammonium nitrate dealers shall register with the secretary of agriculture. Registration shall be required for each business location selling ammonium nitrate. Each registration shall expire on December 31 following issuance unless the registration is renewed annually. A registration fee not […]

2-1202 Registration; application; annual fee; revocations; tonnage reports.

2-1202. Registration; application; annual fee; revocations; tonnage reports. (1) Application for registration shall be filed with the secretary and shall set forth: (a) The brand and grade of the commercial fertilizer; (b) the name and address of the person making application for registration of the commercial fertilizer; (c) the guaranteed analysis including: (A) The minimum […]

2-1204 Labeling.

2-1204. Labeling. (1) Every package or container of commercial fertilizer shall bear a distinctly printed label in the English language on a tag attached to the package or container, or distinctly printed on the package or container. The label shall show and state: (a) The name and address of the person registering the commercial fertilizer; […]

2-1205 Commercial fertilizers; inspection fee, increase or decrease in amount; records and reports; revocation of registration; penalties; disposition of moneys received.

2-1205. Commercial fertilizers; inspection fee, increase or decrease in amount; records and reports; revocation of registration; penalties; disposition of moneys received. An inspection fee shall be collected upon all commercial fertilizers sold, offered or exposed for sale, or distributed in Kansas, which shall be at a rate per ton fixed by rules and regulations adopted […]

2-1206 Inspections; evidence; stop sale orders; judicial review.

2-1206. Inspections; evidence; stop sale orders; judicial review. (a) The secretary and authorized representatives of the secretary shall make such inspection of commercial fertilizers as may be deemed necessary to ascertain whether manufacturers and others are complying with all of the provisions of this act. The secretary or authorized representatives of the secretary shall procure […]

2-1207 Samples for inspection; refusal to permit.

2-1207. Samples for inspection; refusal to permit. In sampling commercial fertilizers packed in packages of twenty-five (25) pounds or less, an original unbroken package may be taken as the official sample and the ordinary retail price tendered therefor. When the fertilizer is in packages of over twenty-five (25) pounds in weight, portions for the official […]

2-1208 Violations; misdemeanor; seizure; injunction.

2-1208. Violations; misdemeanor; seizure; injunction. (1) It shall be deemed a violation of this act for any person to sell, offer or expose for sale, or distribute in this state any commercial fertilizer or to take or receive from any person in this state any order for any commercial fertilizer, or to directly or indirectly […]

2-1209 Publication of reports.

2-1209. Publication of reports. The secretary of agriculture shall at the secretary’s discretion publish a report of the analysis of official samples of commercial fertilizers, a list of the commercial fertilizers registered in this state with their guaranteed composition, and such other information as may be deemed valuable to the public concerning fertilizers and their […]

2-1209a Invalidity of 2-1201 to 2-1209.

2-1209a. Invalidity of 2-1201 to 2-1209. Should it be decided upon final judicial hearing that any section or clause of this act is invalid, such decision shall only apply to the section or clause so found to be invalid and shall not invalidate the entire act. History: L. 1927, ch. 14, § 11; June 1.

2-1210 Trademarks; change of analysis; rules and regulations.

2-1210. Trademarks; change of analysis; rules and regulations. The secretary shall refuse to register any commercial fertilizer under a name, brand or trademark which may appear to be misleading or deceptive. The secretary shall refuse to allow any person to change the guaranteed analysis of any brand of commercial fertilizer registered for sale in this […]

2-1212 Anhydrous ammonia; regulations.

2-1212. Anhydrous ammonia; regulations. The board is authorized and directed to make and promulgate regulations (a) for the safe handling, storage and transportation of anhydrous ammonia; (b) for establishment of minimum general safety standards covering the design, construction, location, installation and operation of equipment for the storage, handling and transportation of such product by tank […]

2-1215 Same; power of municipalities to regulate.

2-1215. Same; power of municipalities to regulate. A municipality or other political subdivision, shall not enact or enforce any ordinance inconsistent with the regulations promulgated and adopted pursuant to this act. Nothing in this act shall in any way impair the power of any municipality or other political subdivision, (1) to prohibit the use of […]

2-1216 Same; duties of secretary; employees.

2-1216. Same; duties of secretary; employees. It shall be the duty of the secretary (1) to administer this act, and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder, and (2) to employ the necessary personnel. Such employees are hereby authorized and directed to inspect the facilities and equipment used in the handling, storage and transportation of anhydrous […]

2-1218 Same; unlawful acts.

2-1218. Same; unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful, and a violation of this act, for any person; (a) to operate any anhydrous ammonia facility, any transportation equipment, or to sell or offer to sell any anhydrous ammonia, unless (1) the product container, piping, valves, hose, appurtenances and equipment are constructed and installed in accordance with […]

2-1219 Same; penalty for violations; injunctions; jurisdiction; hearings.

2-1219. Same; penalty for violations; injunctions; jurisdiction; hearings. Any person violating or failing to comply with, any of the provisions of this act, or any rule or regulation adopted thereunder, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). […]