21-5601. Endangering a child; aggravated endangering a child. (a) Endangering a child is knowingly and unreasonably causing or permitting a child under the age of 18 years to be placed in a situation in which the child’s life, body or health may be endangered. (b) Aggravated endangering a child is: (1) Recklessly causing or permitting […]
21-5602. Abuse of a child. (a) Abuse of a child is knowingly: (1) Torturing or cruelly beating any child under the age of 18 years; (2) shaking any child under the age of 18 years which results in great bodily harm to the child; or (3) inflicting cruel and inhuman corporal punishment upon any child […]
21-5603. Contributing to a child’s misconduct or deprivation. (a) Contributing to a child’s misconduct or deprivation is: (1) Knowingly causing or encouraging a child under 18 years of age to become or remain a child in need of care as defined by the revised Kansas code for care of children; (2) knowingly causing or encouraging […]
21-5604. Incest; aggravated incest. (a) Incest is marriage to or engaging in otherwise lawful sexual intercourse or sodomy, as defined in K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 21-5501, and amendments thereto, with a person who is 18 or more years of age and who is known to the offender to be related to the offender as any of […]
21-5605. Abandonment of a child; aggravated abandonment of a child. (a) Abandonment of a child is leaving a child under the age of 16 years, in a place where such child may suffer because of neglect by the parent, guardian or other person to whom the care and custody of such child shall have been […]
21-5606. Criminal nonsupport. (a) Criminal nonsupport is: (1) A parent’s failure, neglect or refusal without lawful excuse to provide for the support and maintenance of the parent’s child in necessitous circumstances; or (2) a person’s failure, without just cause, to provide for the support of such person’s spouse in necessitous circumstances. (b) Criminal nonsupport is […]
21-5607. Furnishing alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage to a minor; furnishing alcoholic beverage to a minor for illicit purposes. (a) Furnishing alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage to a minor is recklessly, directly or indirectly, buying for or distributing any alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage to any minor. (b) Furnishing alcoholic beverages to […]
21-5608. Unlawfully hosting minors consuming alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage. (a) Unlawfully hosting minors consuming alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage is recklessly permitting a person’s residence or any land, building, structure or room owned, occupied or procured by such person to be used by an invitee of such person or an invitee of […]
21-5609. Bigamy. (a) Bigamy is any of the following: (1) Marriage within this state by any person who has another spouse living at the time of such marriage; (2) marriage within this state by an unmarried person to a person known to such unmarried person to be the spouse of some other person; or (3) […]
21-5610. Unlawful possession of a visual depiction of a child. (a) Unlawful possession of a visual depiction of a child is knowingly possessing a visual depiction of a child 12 years of age or older but less than 16 years of age in a state of nudity, if committed by a person less than 19 […]
21-5611. Unlawful transmission of a visual depiction of a child. (a) Unlawful transmission of a visual depiction of a child is knowingly transmitting a visual depiction of a child 12 or more years of age but less than 18 years of age in a state of nudity when the offender is less than 19 years […]
21-5612. Promoting travel for child exploitation. (a) Promoting travel for child exploitation is knowingly selling or offering to sell travel services that include or facilitate travel for the purpose of any person engaging in conduct that would constitute a violation of K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 21-5426(b)(4) or (5), 21-5510, 21-5514 or 21-6422, and amendments thereto, if […]