21-6501. Extortion. (a) Extortion is: (1) Intentionally and wrongfully demanding, soliciting or receiving anything of value from the owner, proprietor or other person having a financial interest in a business; and (2) by means of either a threat, express or implied, or a promise, express or implied, that the person so demanding, soliciting or receiving […]
21-6502. Debt adjusting. (a) Debt adjusting is knowingly engaging in the business of making contracts, express or implied, with a debtor whereby the debtor agrees to pay a certain amount of money periodically to the person engaging in the debt adjusting business who shall for a consideration distribute the same among certain specified creditors. (b) […]
21-6503. Deceptive commercial practice. (a) A deceptive commercial practice is the knowing act, use or employment by any person of any deception, fraud, false pretense, false promise, or misrepresentation of a material fact, with the intent that others shall rely thereon in connection with the sale of any merchandise. (b) A deceptive commercial practice is […]
21-6504. Equity skimming. (a) Equity skimming is, with the intent to defraud, intentionally engaging in a pattern or practice of: (1) Purchasing one family to four family dwellings, including condominiums and cooperatives or acquiring any right, title or interest therein, including, but not limited to, an equity of redemption interest, which are subject to a […]
21-6505. Tie-in magazine sale. (a) A tie-in magazine sale is knowingly selling, offering for sale, or consigning for sale by a wholesaler a magazine or other periodical of one kind or name to a retailer conditioned on the requirement that such retailer shall agree to, or shall, purchase or receive on consignment for sale a […]
21-6506. Commercial bribery. (a) Commercial bribery is conferring, offering or agreeing to confer, or soliciting, accepting or agreeing to accept, any benefit as consideration for knowingly violating or agreeing to violate a duty of fidelity or trust by: (1) An agent or employee of another; (2) a person acting in a fiduciary capacity; (3) a […]
21-6507. Sports bribery. (a) Sports bribery is: (1) Conferring, or offering or agreeing to confer, any benefit upon a sports participant with intent to influence such participant not to give such participant’s best efforts in a sports contest; (2) conferring or offering or agreeing to confer, any benefit upon a sports official with intent to […]
21-6508. Tampering with a sports contest. (a) Tampering with a sports contest is seeking to influence a sports participant or sports official, or tampering with any animal or equipment or other thing involved in the conduct or operation of a sports contest, in a manner known to be contrary to the rules and usages governing […]
21-6509. Knowingly employing an alien illegally within the territory of the United States. (a) Knowingly employing an alien illegally within the territory of the United States is the employment of such alien within the state of Kansas by an employer who knows such person to be illegally within the territory of the United States. (b) […]