23-3201. Legal custody, residency and parenting time criteria. The court shall determine legal custody, residency and parenting time of a child in accordance with the best interests of the child. History: L. 2011, ch. 26, § 18; L. 2017, ch. 58, § 1; July 1.
23-3202. Parenting plan; best interest presumed. If the parties have entered into a parenting plan, it shall be presumed that the agreement is in the best interests of the child. This presumption may be overcome and the court may make a different order if the court makes specific findings of fact stating why the agreed […]
23-3203. Factors considered in determination of legal custody, residency and parenting time of a child. (a) In determining the issue of legal custody, residency and parenting time of a child, the court shall consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to: (1) Each parent’s role and involvement with the minor child before and after […]
23-3204. No vested interest or presumption to either parent. Neither parent shall be considered to have a vested interest in the custody or residency of any child as against the other parent, regardless of the age of the child, and there shall be no presumption that it is in the best interests of any infant […]
23-3205. Rebuttable presumption against best interest of child in certain instances. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that it is not in the best interest of the child to have custody or residency granted to a parent who: (a) Is residing with an individual who is subject to registration requirements of the Kansas offender registration […]
23-3206. Legal custodial arrangements. Subject to the provisions of this article, the court may make any order relating to custodial arrangements which is in the best interests of the child. The order shall provide one of the following legal custody arrangements, in the order of preference: (a) Joint legal custody. The court may order the […]
23-3207. Residential arrangements. After making a determination of the legal custodial arrangements, the court shall determine the residency of the child from the following options, which arrangement the court must find to be in the best interest of the child. The parties shall submit to the court either an agreed parenting plan or, in the […]
23-3208. Parenting time; enforcement; child exchange and visitation centers. (a) Parents. A parent is entitled to reasonable parenting time unless the court finds, after a hearing, that the exercise of parenting time would seriously endanger the child’s physical, mental, moral or emotional health. (b) Enforcement of rights. An order granting parenting time under this article […]
23-3209. Interviews; court; minors. The court may interview the minor children in chambers to assist the court in determining legal custody, residency, visitation rights and parenting time. The court may permit counsel to be present at the interviews. Upon request of any party, the court shall cause a record of the interview to be made […]
23-3210. Information relating to custody or residency of children; visitation or parenting time with children. (a) Investigation and report. In any proceeding in which legal custody, residency, visitation rights or parenting time are contested, the court may order an investigation and report concerning the appropriate legal custody, residency, visitation rights and parenting time to be […]
23-3211. Parenting plan; definitions. (a) “Temporary parenting plan” means an agreement or order issued defining the legal custody, residency and parenting time to be exercised by parents with regard to a child between the time of filing of a matter in which a parenting plan may be entered, and any other provisions regarding the child’s […]
23-3212. Same; temporary orders. (a) The court may enter a temporary parenting plan in any case in which temporary orders relating to child custody is authorized. (b) If the court deems it appropriate, a temporary parenting plan approved by the court may include one or more of the following provisions regarding children involved in the […]
23-3213. Same; permanent; objectives; general outline, provisions. (a) The objectives of the permanent parenting plan are to: (1) Establish a proper allocation of parental rights and responsibilities; (2) establish an appropriate working relationship between the parents such that matters regarding the health, education and welfare of their child is best determined; (3) provide for the […]
23-3214. Same; court information; classes; mediation; forms. (a) The court shall inform the parents, or require them to be informed, about: (1) How to prepare a parenting plan; (2) the impact of family dissolution on children and how the needs of children facing family dissolution can best be addressed; (3) the impact of domestic abuse […]
23-3215. Notification of other parent of certain events; failure, indirect civil contempt; material change in circumstances. (a) A parent entitled to legal custody of, or residency of, or parenting time with a child pursuant to K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 23-3201 through 23-3207 and 23-3218, and amendments thereto, shall give written notice to the other parent of […]
23-3217. Child custody and parenting time for parents deployed by the military; modification of orders; hearing. (a) As used in this section: (1) “Deployment” means the temporary transfer of a service member serving in an active-duty status to another location in support of combat or some other military operation. (2) “Mobilization” means the call-up of […]
23-3218. Modification of child custody, residency, visitation and parenting time; examination of parties. (a) Subject to the provisions of the uniform child custody jurisdiction and enforcement act (K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 23-37,101 through 23-37,405, and amendments thereto), the court may change or modify any prior order of custody, residency, visitation and parenting time, when a material […]
23-3219. Modification of final order; specify factual allegations. (a) A party filing a motion to modify a final order pertaining to child custody or residential placement pursuant to article 22, 27 or 32 of chapter 23 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, shall include with specificity in the verified motion, or in an […]
23-3220. Modifications to orders enforced under title IV-D programs. Motions to modify legal custody, residency, visitation rights or parenting time in proceedings where support obligations are enforced under part D of title IV of the federal social security act (42 U.S.C. § 651 et seq.), as amended, shall be considered proceedings in connection with the […]
23-3221. Modification of parenting time order. (a) The court may modify an order granting or denying parenting time whenever modification would serve the best interests of the child. (b) Repeated unreasonable denial of or interference with parenting time granted under this article may be considered a material change of circumstances which justifies modification of a […]