24-201. Power of township trustee. That the township trustee of any township in this state shall have power, whenever in his opinion the same is demanded by, or will be conducive to, the public health, convenience or welfare, to cause to be established, located and constructed, as hereinafter provided, any ditch, drain or watercourse within […]
24-202. Petition for work; bond; notice to property owners; ditch through two or more townships. That before the township trustee of any such township shall take any steps toward locating or establishing any ditch, drain, or watercourse, there shall be filed with the township clerk a petition of one or more persons owning land adjacent […]
24-204. Duties of township trustee; eminent domain proceedings; assistance of engineer; adjournments. On the day set for the hearing of said petition, if it appear to the trustee that any person or persons who may be interested in said ditch have not been notified as required by this act, or that any requisite preliminary steps […]
24-205. Cost of work; assessments. The said township trustee, whenever he shall have established any such ditch, drain, or watercourse, shall divide the same into suitable sections, not less in number than the number of owners of land through which the same may be located, and shall also prescribe the time within which the work […]
24-206. Penalty for obstructing ditch, drain or stream; damages. If any person shall maliciously or willfully fill up or obstruct any ditch, drain, or watercourse, he shall forfeit and pay to the county in which said ditch, drain or watercourse is located the sum of ten dollars ($10), to be recovered in any court of […]
24-212. Sale of work to lowest bidder. It shall be the duty of said trustee, upon the expiration of the time specified by him for the opening of such ditch, drain, or watercourse, and upon being satisfied by inspection and view that any section or sections of the same have not been completed, to sell […]
24-213. Certification of sales to county clerk; assessments; payment; time for action to enjoin. Immediately after the sale of any such sections or parts of sections as provided for in K.S.A. 24-212, said trustee shall certify to the county clerk of said county the amount such section sold for, adding the proportionate amount of costs […]
24-215. Corporation benefited to pay part of expense. That when any ditch, drain or watercourse located and established under this act crosses or drains, either in whole or in part, any public or corporated road, or any railroad, or benefits any or either of said roads, so that the roadbed or traveled track of any […]
24-216. Widening or deepening ditch, drain or watercourse established under 24-201 through 24-215. The township trustee of any township in this state shall have power, whenever in his opinion the same is demanded by or will be conducive to the public health, convenience, or welfare, to cause to be enlarged either by widening or deepening […]