26-201. Cities; authority to condemn; interest acquired; resolution, notice, ordinance; exercise of power. A city shall have the right to acquire by condemnation any interest in real property, including a fee simple title thereto, but cities shall not have the right to acquire a fee simple title to property condemned solely for street purposes. Whenever […]
26-204. Payment of award; time title to vest. When the city treasurer of such city is authorized by the governing body to do so, he shall pay to the clerk of the district court the amount of the award pursuant to K.S.A. 26-507. The title to the lands condemned by any city shall vest in […]
26-206a. Application to urban renewal law. The provisions of K.S.A. 26-501 to 26-516, inclusive, shall apply in the acquisition of any property by the exercise of eminent domain under the provisions of article 47 of chapter 17 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, by any city, municipality, agency, public […]
26-208. Condemnation of land outside city. Where the governing body of any city, or any other board or commission of such city, is authorized to condemn land outside the city limits for the use of such city or any public utility owned by such city, the same proceedings shall be had as though such land […]
26-209. Assessment of costs in benefit districts. Where property is condemned, the cost of which property or any part thereof is to be assessed against specific property embraced in a benefit district, the governing body or three householders appointed by it, shall assess against the city the amount of the benefit to the public generally […]
26-210. Condemnation by board or commission. The foregoing sections relating to the condemnation of land or any easement therein for public purposes in cities are hereby extended to the board of park commissioners or any other board or commission having the power to condemn land in cities for public purposes, and in such cases the […]
26-211. Abatement and cancellation of taxes and removal of certain real estate from tax rolls. That all of the real estate described in the preamble to this act condemned by the city of El Dorado under the power of eminent domain, except that portion of the southwest quarter (SW1/4) of section 21, township 25, range […]