31-301. Fire protection; creation of benefit district; procedure. Whenever 51% of the resident property owners of territory located partly in two or more counties and adjacent to, or within a radius of 10 miles of a city, and the boundaries of the territory coincide with the boundaries of a common-school district or a rural high […]
31-302. Same; governing body; election; terms; vacancies; contracts for services. (a) Any benefit district created pursuant to K.S.A. 31-301, and amendments thereto, shall be governed by a board of directors. Except as provided in subsection (b), the members of the board of education of the unified school district who reside within the boundaries of such […]
31-303. Same; budget; tax levies. Each year the board of directors shall file the budget of the benefit district with the clerk of the county in which the city is located. The county clerk of every other county in which any territory of the benefit district is located, on or before August 25 of each […]
31-304. Same; disposition of tax moneys; expenditures. The county treasurer of any county in which any part of the benefit district lies, except the county treasurer of the county in which the city lies, shall upon collection of the tax moneys provided for in K.S.A. 31-303 transmit the same to the county treasurer of the […]
31-305. Same; issuance of bonds and no-fund warrants; procedure; purpose. (a) The governing body of any benefit district created under the provisions of K.S.A. 31-301 et seq., and amendments thereto, may issue general obligation bonds of the district for the purpose of: (1) Acquiring land; (2) purchasing, acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, equipping and furnishing buildings to […]