41-1001. Violations; sufficiency of complaint, indictment or information; sufficiency of proof. In any indictment, information or complaint, charging the violation of any of the provisions of this act, it shall be sufficient to charge that the accused unlawfully manufactured, sold, offered for sale, kept for sale, delivered or otherwise unlawfully disposed of alcoholic liquor without […]
41-1002. Complaint, indictment or information; allegations as to quantity and kind; second offense; proof. In any indictment, information, or complaint charging the violation of any of the provisions of this act, it shall not be necessary to allege the quantity of such alcoholic liquor or the kind thereof further than to allege that the same […]
41-1003. Same; separate offenses may be joined; allegation as to place and time; exceptions need not be negatived. In any indictment, information, or complaint, against any one or more individuals charging the violation of any of the provisions of this act, separate offenses hereunder may be joined in the same indictment, information, or complaint; and […]
41-1004. Possession of special tax stamp of federal government, effect; evidence. The possession of a special tax stamp from the government of the United States authorizing the sale or manufacture of alcoholic liquor as defined in this act by a person not licensed under this act, shall be prima facie evidence that the person so […]