44-601. Prescription of functions. The secretary of labor shall have such power, authority and jurisdiction, and shall perform such duties as are in this act set forth. History: L. 1920, ch. 29, § 2; L. 1921, ch. 261, § 1; R.S. 1923, 44-601; L. 1976, ch. 370, § 25; L. 2004, ch. 179, § 23; […]
44-601b. Same; children in industry; factory, workshop, mill and mine inspection. The secretary of labor shall have active charge of supervision of laws pertaining to children in industry, and the secretary is hereby given full jurisdiction over and control of factory, workshop and mill and mine inspection. History: L. 1939, ch. 294, § 4; L. […]
44-603. Utilities and employments subject to supervision. (a) The operation of the following named and indicated employments, industries, public utilities and common carriers is hereby determined and declared to be affected with a public interest and therefore subject to supervision by the state as herein provided for the purpose of preserving the public peace, protecting […]
44-606. Continuity and efficiency in operation of industries. It is hereby declared and determined to be necessary for the public peace, health and general welfare of the people of this state that the industries, employments, public utilities and common carriers herein specified shall be operated with reasonable continuity and efficiency in order that the people […]
44-607. Investigations and temporary findings. In case of a controversy arising between employers and workers, or between groups or crafts of workers, engaged in any of such industries, employments, public utilities, or common carriers, if it shall appear to the secretary of labor that the controversy may endanger the continuity or efficiency of service of […]
44-608. Orders affecting hours, ways and conditions of employment; modification. The secretary of labor shall order such changes, if any, as are necessary to be made in and about the conduct of such industry, employment, utility or common carrier, in the matters of working and living conditions, hours of labor, rules and practices, and a […]
44-609. Rights and contracts of parties. It is hereby declared necessary for the promotion of the general welfare that workers engaged in any of the industries, employments, utilities or common carriers shall receive at all times a fair wage and have healthful and moral surroundings while engaged in such labor; and that capital invested therein […]
44-610. Notice of investigation or hearing; publication. Before any hearing, trial or investigation shall be held by the secretary of labor, such notice as the secretary shall deem necessary shall be given to all parties interested by registered U.S. mail addressed to the parties to the post office of the usual place of residence or […]
44-611. Powers in investigations. The secretary of labor shall have the power and authority to issue summons and subpoenas and compel the attendance of witnesses and parties and to compel the production of the books, correspondence, files, records, and accounts of any industry, employment, utility or common carrier, or of any person, corporation, association or […]
44-612. Judicial review of secretary’s actions. Any action of the secretary of labor pursuant to K.S.A. 44-601 through 44-628, and amendments thereto, is subject to review and enforcement by the supreme court in accordance with the Kansas judicial review act. Any such review shall take precedence over other civil cases before the court, and the […]
44-614. Labor unions; collective bargaining. Any union or association of workers engaged in the operation of such industries, employments, public utilities or common carriers, which shall incorporate under the laws of this state shall be considered and recognized in all its proceedings as a legal entity by the secretary of labor and may appear before […]
44-615. Unlawful acts against witnesses and litigants. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to discharge any employee or to discriminate in any way against any employee because of the fact that any such employee may testify as a witness before the secretary of labor, or shall sign any complaint or shall […]
44-616. Business operations; limitation or cessation, hearings; changing conditions. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the operation of any such industry, employment, utility, or common carrier willfully to limit or cease operations for the purpose of limiting production or transportation or to affect prices, for the purpose of avoiding […]
44-617. Violations of act; quitting employment; picketing; intimidation. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or for any association of persons, to do or perform any act forbidden, or to fail or refuse to perform any act or duty enjoined by the provisions of this act, or to conspire or confederate with […]
44-618. Penalties for violating 44-601 to 44-628. Any person willfully violating the provisions of this act, or any valid order of the secretary of labor, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction of this state shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed […]
44-619. Inducing violation of act or orders; penalty. Any officer of any corporation engaged in any of the industries, employments, utilities or common carriers herein named and specified, or any officer of any labor union or association of persons engaged as workers in any such industry, employment, utility or common carrier, or any employer of […]
44-620. Emergency control and operation. In case of the suspension, limitation or cessation of the operation of any of the industries, employments, public utilities or common carriers affected by this act, contrary to the provisions hereof, or to the orders of the secretary of labor made hereunder, if it shall appear to the secretary that […]
44-621. Controversies between employer and employee; authority of secretary. When any controversy shall arise between employer and employee as to wages, hours of employment, or working or living conditions, in any industry not hereinbefore specified, the parties to such controversy may, by mutual agreement, and with the consent of the secretary of labor, refer the […]
44-622. Evidence taking; examiner, appointment, qualifications, authority. The secretary of labor may appoint a person, or persons, having a technical knowledge of bookkeeping, engineering, or other technical subjects involved in any inquiry in which the secretary of labor is engaged, as an examiner for the purpose of taking evidence with relation to such subject. The […]
44-623. Orders as to minimum or standard wage; accounts pending investigations. Any order made by the secretary of labor as to a minimum wage or a standard of wages shall be deemed prima facie reasonable and just, and if the minimum wage or standard of wages shall be in excess of the wages theretofore paid […]