44-818. Agricultural employment relations; declaration of public policy. Experience has demonstrated that the lack of orderly procedures to meet and confer has contributed to certain problems in the agriculture industry, including secondary boycotts and work discrepancies during critical periods, which promote strife and pose a threat to the public interest and the free flow of […]
44-819. Agricultural employment relations; definitions. As used in this act: (a) “Person” means one or more individuals, employee organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers. (b) “Agricultural employee” means any individual employed to perform agricultural work, including any individual whose work has ceased as a consequence of, or in connection […]
44-820. Agricultural labor relations; board, when activated; composition, appointment and qualifications; powers and duties; meetings and compensation; deactivation. (a) There is hereby created the agricultural labor relations board, which shall consist of three members and which shall be activated only when a complaint is filed with the secretary of agriculture alleging the existence of a […]
44-821. Agricultural employee organizations authorized; purposes; limitations. Agricultural employees shall have the right to form, join and participate in the activities of employee organizations of their own choosing, for the purpose of meeting and conferring with agricultural employers or their designated representatives with respect to grievances and conditions of employment. No agricultural employee may be […]
44-822. Rights of agricultural employers. An agricultural employer shall have the right to manage his own production operations including all decisions as to the equipment and materials used to grow and market his crops and all determinations as to the crops to be produced. Such an employer shall also have the right to employ himself […]
44-823. Certified employee organizations; duties of agricultural employers; determination and designation of appropriate unit; certification of representatives of appropriate unit; investigations, hearings and elections by board; membership in appropriate unit and employee organizations; duties of employee organizations. (a) Agricultural employers shall recognize certified employee organizations for the purpose of representing their members as to grievances […]
44-824. Rights and duties of certified or recognized employee organizations. (a) An agricultural employer shall extend to a certified or formally recognized employee organization the right to represent the employees, of the appropriate unit involved in meet and confer proceedings and in the settlement of grievances, and also shall extend the right to unchallenged representation […]
44-825. Memorandum of agreement by representatives of employer and employee organization. If agreement is reached by the representatives of the agricultural employer and the recognized employee organization, they jointly shall prepare a memorandum of agreement. The scope of a memorandum of agreement may extend to all matters relating to conditions of employment except to the […]
44-826. Impasse resolution procedures; board hearing; judicial review. (a) Agricultural employers and recognized employee organizations may include in memoranda of agreement a provision setting forth the procedures to be invoked in the event of disputes which reach an impasse in the course of meet and confer proceedings. Such memorandum shall define conditions under which an […]
44-827. Dues check-off. An agricultural employer may agree to extend to an employee organization certified or recognized pursuant to this act right to dues check-off, upon presentation of dues deduction and authorization cards signed by individual employees; however, said employer shall be prohibited from continuing to deduct dues from the pay of any employee from […]
44-828. Prohibited practices. (a) The commission of any prohibited practice, as defined in this section, among other actions, shall constitute evidence of bad faith in meet and confer proceedings. (b) It shall be a prohibited practice for an agricultural employer or such employer’s designated representative willfully to: (1) Interfere, restrain or coerce agricultural employees in […]
44-829. Proceedings concerning prohibited practices; procedure; judicial review and enforcement of board’s actions; remedies for certain violations. (a) Any controversy concerning prohibited practices may be submitted to the board. Proceedings against the party alleged to have committed a prohibited practice shall be commenced by service upon it by the board of a written notice, together […]
44-830. Actions for damages. Any agricultural employer, agricultural employee or employee organization may sue for damages resulting from a lockout, strike or secondary boycott as defined by this act. History: L. 1972, ch. 193, § 13; July 1.
44-831. Violations of right to work amendment; civil action for damages; attorneys’ fees as costs, exception; limitation of actions. Any person who is aggrieved by any violation of the provisions of section 12 of article 15 of the constitution of the state of Kansas shall have a cause of action against the person committing such […]