46-801. Prefiling of bills and resolutions; time and procedure for filing. (a) At the times specified in this act, committees and members of the legislature may prefile legislative bills and resolutions for introduction in the next succeeding regular legislative session. (b) Bills and resolutions may be prefiled at the following times: (1) In the case […]
46-802. Same; numbering of bills and resolutions; filing; copies; charges for; list of bills and resolutions, open to public. The secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house of representatives shall instruct the revisor of statutes regarding the appropriate numbering of prefiled bills and resolutions. In accordance with such instruction the revisor […]
46-803. Same; printing and distribution. The revisor of statutes shall deliver a copy of each bill or resolution prefiled to the division of printing to be printed in accordance with instructions of the legislative coordinating council. Printed copies of each such bill or resolution shall be returned by the division of printing to the director […]
46-804. Introduction of prefiled bills and resolutions, effect. On the first day of the regular session of the legislature following prefiling, all such bills and resolutions shall be deemed properly introduced. Such bills and resolutions shall be read in the same manner as other bills and resolutions introduced after the convening of the legislature. When […]