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Home » US Law » 2021 Kansas Statutes » Chapter 59 - Probate Code » Article 29b - Care And Treatment For Persons With An Alcohol Or Substance Abuse Problem

59-29b65 Trial upon the petition; procedure.

59-29b65. Trial upon the petition; procedure. (a) Trial upon the petition shall be held at the time and place specified in the court’s order issued pursuant to subsection (a) of K.S.A. 59-29b60 and amendments thereto unless a continuance as provided in K.S.A. 59-29b60 or 59-29b64 and amendments thereto, has been granted. The hearing shall be […]

59-29b66 Order for treatment; dismissal.

59-29b66. Order for treatment; dismissal. (a) Upon the completion of the trial, if the court or jury finds by clear and convincing evidence that the proposed patient is a person with an alcohol or substance abuse problem subject to involuntary commitment for care and treatment under this act, the court shall order treatment for such […]

59-29b69 Hearing to review status of patient; procedure.

59-29b69. Hearing to review status of patient; procedure. (a) At least 14 days prior to the end of each period of treatment, as set out in the court order for such treatment, the head of the treatment facility furnishing treatment to the patient shall cause to be filed with the court a written report summarizing […]

59-29b70 Transportation.

59-29b70. Transportation. The court may issue orders providing for the transportation of patients as necessary to effectuate the provisions of this act. All orders of ex parte emergency custody, temporary custody, referral or treatment may authorize a relative or other suitable person to transport the individual named in the order to the place of detention […]

59-29b71 Change of venue.

59-29b71. Change of venue. (a) At any time after the petition provided for in K.S.A. 59-29b57, and amendments thereto, has been filed venue may be transferred in accordance with this section. (1) Prior to trial required by K.S.A. 59-29b65, and amendments thereto, and before the expiration of two full working days following the probable cause […]

59-29b73 Discharge.

59-29b73. Discharge. (a) When any proposed patient or involuntary patient has been admitted to any treatment facility pursuant to K.S.A. 59-29b54, 59-29b58, 59-29b59, 59-29b64, 59-29b66 or 59-29b67 and amendments thereto, the head of the treatment facility shall discharge and release the patient when the patient is no longer in need of treatment. (b) Nothing in […]

59-29b74 Notice of discharge; restoration of certain rights.

59-29b74. Notice of discharge; restoration of certain rights. The head of the treatment facility shall notify, in writing, the patient, the patient’s attorney, the petitioner or the petitioner’s attorney, the county or district attorney as appropriate, and the district court which has jurisdiction over the patient of the patient’s discharge pursuant to K.S.A. 59-29b73, and […]

59-29b75 Unauthorized absence; procedure.

59-29b75. Unauthorized absence; procedure. If any involuntary patient leaves the place of the patient’s detention or treatment without the authority of the head of the treatment facility, the head of the treatment facility shall notify the sheriff of the county in which the treatment facility is located of the involuntary patient’s unauthorized absence and request […]

59-29b76 Administration of medications and other treatments.

59-29b76. Administration of medications and other treatments. (a) Medications and other treatments shall be prescribed, ordered and administered only in conformity with accepted clinical practice. Medication shall be administered only upon the written order of a physician or upon a verbal order noted in the patient’s medical records and subsequently signed by the physician. The […]

59-29b77 Restraints; seclusion.

59-29b77. Restraints; seclusion. (a) Restraints or seclusion shall not be applied to a patient unless it is determined by the head of the treatment facility or a physician or psychologist to be necessary to prevent immediate substantial bodily injury to the patient or others and that other alternative methods to prevent such injury are not […]

59-29b78 Rights of patients.

59-29b78. Rights of patients. (a) Every patient being treated in any treatment facility, in addition to all other rights preserved by the provisions of this act, shall have the following rights: (1) To wear the patient’s own clothes, keep and use the patient’s own personal possessions including toilet articles and keep and be allowed to […]

59-29b79 Disclosure of records.

59-29b79. Disclosure of records. (a) The district court records, and any treatment records or medical records of any patient or former patient that are in the possession of any district court or treatment facility shall be privileged and shall not be disclosed except: (1) Upon the written consent of (A) the patient or former patient, […]

59-29b80 Civil and criminal liability.

59-29b80. Civil and criminal liability. Any person or law enforcement agency, governing body, community mental health center or personnel acting in good faith and without negligence shall be free from all liability, civil or criminal, that might arise out of acting or declining to act pursuant to this act. Any person who for a corrupt […]

59-29b81 Costs; payment by residence county, when. Costs; payment by residence county, when. Costs; payment by residence county, when. Costs; payment by residence county, when.

59-29b81. Costs; payment by residence county, when. In each proceeding the court shall allow and order paid to any individual or treatment facility as part of the costs thereof a reasonable fee and expenses for any professional services ordered performed by the court pursuant to this act, and including the fee of counsel for the […]

59-29b82 Notice of death of patients in treatment facilities.

59-29b82. Notice of death of patients in treatment facilities. In the event of the death of a patient in a treatment facility, the head of the treatment facility shall immediately give notice of the date, time, place and cause of such death, to the extent known, to the nearest known relative of the patient, and, […]

59-29b83 Applicability to persons in custody on criminal charges.

59-29b83. Applicability to persons in custody on criminal charges. Nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to any person alleged or thought to be a person with an alcohol or substance abuse problem subject to involuntary commitment for care and treatment under this act who is in custody on a criminal charge, except […]

59-29b84 Severability.

59-29b84. Severability. If any provision of this act or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this act which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are severable. History: […]