75-46a01. Employees using metropolitan transit; contract for state payment of fares; rules and regulations. In any city in which there is located an office of any state agency, department, board or commission and in which there is located a metropolitan transit authority established pursuant to K.S.A. 12-2801 et seq., the secretary of administration is hereby […]
75-46a02. Vanpool program; purpose. The purpose of K.S.A. 75-46a02 to 75-46a09, inclusive, and amendments thereto, is to promote conservation of petroleum resources, reduce traffic and parking congestion, and diminish air pollution by facilitating the creation of self-supporting commuter vanpools in which state employees living and working in similar locations may ride to and from their […]
75-46a03. Same; purchase of motor vehicles; use of federal funds. Subject to the availability of sufficient revenues from passenger fees under K.S.A. 75-46a06, and amendments thereto, the secretary of administration shall purchase such motor vehicles necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth in K.S.A. 75-46a02 to 75-46a09, inclusive, and amendments thereto. The secretary is authorized […]
75-46a04. Same; drivers and alternate drivers; vehicle registration and insurance requirements. (a) The secretary of administration shall select and assign a driver and an alternate driver for each motor vehicle designated for use in accomplishing the purposes of K.S.A. 75-46a02 to 75-46a09, inclusive, and amendments thereto. Each driver shall be an employee of the state […]
75-46a05. Same; no personal use of vehicle; vehicle log of mileage, monthly review. The driver of every motor vehicle designated for use in the state vanpool program shall not be authorized to use the same for personal nonbusiness purposes. Each driver shall keep a log of all miles driven in the vehicle. The log shall […]
75-46a06. Same; passenger fees; maintenance; fuel purchases; fees credited to motor pool service fund. (a) The driver of each motor vehicle designated for use in the state vanpool program shall charge each passenger a passenger fee in an amount to be determined for each vanpool by the secretary of administration. The secretary of administration shall […]
75-46a07. Same; routes; pick-up of passengers; participation by non-state employees. Each driver shall develop a route to and from work. The driver shall be responsible for picking up and returning each passenger to a designated location to be determined by the driver. The driver, with assistance from the department of administration, shall be responsible for […]
75-46a08. Same; rules and regulations. The department of administration, in cooperation with the state corporation commission, shall develop and adopt such rules and regulations deemed necessary for the proper and efficient implementation of the provisions of K.S.A. 75-46a02 to 75-46a08, inclusive, and amendments to such sections. History: L. 1980, ch. 262, § 8; L. 1983, […]
75-46a09. Same; proposals to terminate vanpool program. The secretary of administration may bring to the legislature a proposal to terminate the vanpool program if the secretary of administration determines that it is no longer feasible to operate the program in a manner consistent with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-46a02 through 75-46a08, and amendments thereto. History: […]
75-46a10. Vanpool program review committee; composition; chairperson; duties. To assist the secretary of administration in making policy decisions relating to the vanpool program, a vanpool program review committee composed of the secretary of administration, the director of the Kansas energy office, the secretary of the Kansas department of transportation, or their designees, and a vanpool […]