75-4912. Issuance of bonds for purpose of matching federal funds for capital equipment purchases; limitations. (a) The activities of the Kansas public broadcasting council in making grants to noncommercial public television stations and public radio stations serving Kansas for the purpose of providing money for the public television station or public radio station to match […]
75-4913. Short title. K.S.A. 75-4912 through 75-4926 and amendments thereto shall be known and be cited as the Kansas public broadcasting council act. History: L. 1993, ch. 268, § 1; July 1.
75-4914. Definitions. As used in the Kansas public broadcasting council act: (a) “Kansas public television station” or “television station” means a noncommercial public television broadcasting station licensed as such by the federal communications commission which operates from a community located in Kansas and meets the minimum criteria for receipt of a community service grant set […]
75-4915. Grants to stations; certification of nonfederal, nonlicensee financial support; secretary of administration, duties; appropriations. (a) Each eligible station shall certify to the secretary of administration, in such form and at such time as the secretary shall require, its nonfederal, nonlicensee financial support for the second prior fiscal year. Upon acceptance by the secretary of […]
75-4916. Grant pools for public television and radio stations; apportionment; rural service grants, amounts. (a) Funds appropriated for the purpose of making grants under the Kansas public broadcasting council act for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, shall be divided into two grant pools, with 75% of such appropriated funds constituting a grant pool […]
75-4917. Basic service grants; formula for determination of amounts. (a) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, two basic service grant fund amounts shall be established from the grant pools under subsection (a) of K.S.A. 75-4916 and amendments thereto for basic service grants as follows: A television basic service grant fund amount consisting of […]
75-4918. Incentive grants; formula for determination of amounts. (a) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, two incentive grant fund amounts shall be established from the grant pools under subsection (a) of K.S.A. 75-4916 and amendments thereto as follows: A television incentive grant fund amount consisting of 15% of the grant pool for television, […]
75-4919. Cooperative project grants. Appropriations may be made in any year for specific projects by more than one eligible station. Such cooperative project grants shall be distributed by the secretary of administration to the Kansas public broadcasting council under the terms of K.S.A. 75-4924 and amendments thereto. History: L. 1993, ch. 268, § 7; July […]
75-4920. Purchase of equipment grants. Appropriations may be made in any year for the purchase of equipment to be used by an eligible station, or by several such stations, or by the Kansas public broadcasting council except that any grant made to an individual station must be in compliance with K.S.A. 75-4924 and amendments thereto. […]
75-4921. Limit on aggregate grants to individual stations; reallocation; grant use by institutional licensees. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, no station shall be allocated more than 45% of the total funds in the grant pool applicable to the station. For the fiscal year ending […]
75-4922. Certifications required of grant applicants, use of grants. Each eligible station and its station licensee shall certify to the secretary of administration when applying for a grant under this act that any funds received pursuant to this act shall not supplant or cause to be reduced any other sources of funding for the station, […]
75-4923. Kansas public broadcasting council established; council of directors, composition; bylaws; open meetings and records. (a) There is hereby created a body politic and corporate to be known as the Kansas public broadcasting council. The Kansas public broadcasting council is hereby constituted a public instrumentality and the exercise of the authority and powers conferred by […]
75-4924. Same; annual reports to legislature, contents; certification of eligible stations; resolution of conflict between stations; lists of counties served by stations; prioritization of equipment grant requests; power to accept grants; annual audit; noninterference with station programming; goals of public broadcasting. (a) The Kansas public broadcasting council shall report annually to the appropriate committees of […]
75-4925. Allocation and distribution of appropriations for grants; function of secretary of administration; noninterference with station programming. (a) After June 30, 1994, funds appropriated to the department of administration for allocation and distribution under this act are provided on a ministerial basis only and are to be distributed under the formulae set forth in this […]
75-4926. Public broadcasting commission abolished; transfer of records and property. (a) On the effective date of this act, the Kansas public broadcasting commission is hereby abolished. (b) On the effective date of this act, all of the records, memoranda, writings and property of the Kansas public broadcasting commission are hereby transferred to the Kansas public […]