Municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1 is applicable to municipal detention officer members on the later of July 1, 2004 or the first day of the calendar month following certification of the election adopting municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1 by an affirmative vote of the majority of the affiliated public employer’s municipal […]
A. Under municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1, for a member who was a retired member or a member on June 30, 2013, the age and service requirements for normal retirement are: (1) age sixty-five years or older and five or more years of credited service; (2) age sixty-four years and eight or more […]
Under municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1, the amount of pension under form of payment A is equal to three percent of the final average salary multiplied by credited service. The amount shall not exceed ninety percent of the final average salary. History: Laws 2003, ch. 268, § 4; 2013, ch. 225, § 88. […]
History: Laws 2003, ch. 268, § 5; repealed by Laws 2009, ch. 288, § 20. ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 2009, ch. 288, § 20 repealed 10-11-115.4 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 2003, ch. 268, § 5, relating to municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1, final average salary, effective July 1, 2011. For provisions […]
A member under municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1 shall contribute sixteen and sixty-five hundredths percent of salary with the first full pay period in the calendar month in which municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1 becomes applicable to the member, except that a member whose annual salary is greater than twenty-five thousand […]
The affiliated public employer shall contribute the following percentages of the salary of each member under municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1 starting with the first pay period that ends within the calendar month in which municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1 becomes applicable to the member: A. prior to July 1, 2022, […]
Notwithstanding other provisions of the Public Employees Retirement Act, to qualify for retirement pursuant to municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1, a municipal detention officer member shall have eighteen months of service credit earned under that coverage plan. History: Laws 2003, ch. 268, § 8. ANNOTATIONS Effective dates. — Laws 2003, ch. 268, § […]
A. Except as otherwise provided in Section 10-11-136 NMSA 1978, a member may elect to have pension payments made under any one of the forms of payment provided in Section 10-11-117 NMSA 1978. The election of form of payment and naming of survivor beneficiary shall be made on a form furnished by and filed with […]
A. Straight life pension is form of payment A. The retired member is paid the pension for life under form of payment A. All payments stop upon the death of the retired member, except as provided by Subsection E of this section. The amount of pension is determined in accordance with the coverage plan applicable […]
A. As used in this section: (1) “cost-of-living adjustment hurdle rate” means the investment rate of return required to fund a cost-of-living adjustment in excess of one-half percent, as determined by the association’s actuaries; (2) “funded ratio” means the ratio of the actuarial value of the assets of the fund to the actuarial accrued liability […]
A. If payment of a pension or other retirement benefit causes a decrease in the amount of monetary payments or other needs-based benefits due to a payee from any other governmental agency, the pension or other retirement benefit shall be reduced for the period during which the pension or other retirement benefit prevents payment of […]
A. A normal or disability pension shall commence the first day of the month following retirement. A preretirement survivor pension shall commence the first day of the month following the date of the death resulting in the pension. A postretirement survivor pension shall commence the first day of the month following the date of the […]
A. The membership status of a disability retired member following termination of the disability retirement pension shall be governed by the membership provisions of the Public Employees Retirement Act. Upon reacquisition of membership, the credited service of the member at time of disability retirement shall be restored. Credited service shall not be granted for the […]
A. A benefit claimant shall be notified in writing of a denial of a claim for benefits within thirty days of the denial. The notification shall give the reason for the denial. A claimant may appeal the denial and request a hearing. The appeal shall be in writing filed with the association within ninety days […]
A. Any member or survivor pension beneficiary may continue to be insured under the provisions of any affiliated public employer’s group health insurance plan in effect at the time of retirement or death or under the terms of any separate subsequent group health insurance plan of the affiliated public employer if the retired member or […]
A. A public employer who is an affiliated public employer on the effective date of the Public Employees Retirement Act shall continue to be an affiliated public employer. B. A public employer who is not an affiliated public employer on the effective date of the Public Employees Retirement Act may become an affiliated public employer […]
A. The accounting funds of the association are the “member contribution fund”, “employers accumulation fund”, “retirement reserve fund” and “income fund”. The maintenance of separate accounting funds shall not require the actual segregation of the assets of the association among the various funds. B. The accounting funds provided for in Subsection A of this section […]
A. The member contribution fund is the accounting fund in which shall be accumulated contributions of members and from which shall be made refunds and transfers of accumulated member contributions as provided in the Public Employees Retirement Act. Each affiliated public employer shall cause the member contributions specified by the coverage plan applicable to each […]
Upon implementation, each affiliated public employer shall, solely for the purpose of compliance with Section 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, pick up, for the purposes specified in that section, member contributions required by the Public Employees Retirement Act for all salary earned by the member after implementation. Member contributions picked up under the provisions […]
A. The employers accumulation fund is the fund in which shall be accumulated contributions by affiliated public employers. Except as provided in Section 5 [10-11-5 NMSA 1978] of the Public Employees Retirement Act, an affiliated public employer shall remit its contributions to the association in accordance with the procedures and schedules established by the association. […]