Any notice or other written matter whatsoever required to be published in a newspaper by any law of this state, or by the order of any court of record of this state, shall be deemed and held to be a legal notice or advertisement within the meaning of this act [14-11-1 to 14-11-4, 14-11-7, 14-11-8 […]
Except as provided in the [Uniform] Probate Code [Chapter 45 NMSA 1978], all legal notices in connection with suits in the district courts, including notices of sale of property under any writ of execution, judgment, decree or other process issued out of the district court, and any notice of sale of personal property by virtue […]
In order to allow the general public to determine the location of real property being described in a legal notice, all legal notices containing a legal description of real property shall also contain a simple description of the real property in commonly used terms sufficient to indicate its location in relation to roads, towns, streets, […]
A. Legal notices and advertisements of a state agency shall be posted on the state agency’s web site. If a county, municipality, board of education or other political subdivision of the state has a web site, it shall post its legal notices and advertisements on its web site. Electronic posting is not a substitute for […]
All publications of proceedings of boards of county commissioners, city and town councils, boards of trustees, boards of education or school directors and of all other officers of any county, municipality, district or other subdivision of the state, which are required by law to be made shall be published once only. In all counties, cities […]
All legal process against nonresidents, unknown or absent parties, notices of sale of real estate under foreclosure of mortgages or executions, trespass warnings and other documents, the publication of which is required by law to be made by posting written or printed notices in public places, may be published instead of being pasted up, in […]
For the purpose of publishing legal notices in Spanish as required by law for any agencies of the state, the Santa Rosa News published at Santa Rosa, the Santa Fe New Mexican and the Santa Fe News, both published at Santa Fe, El Hispano and El Semanario de Nuevo Mexico, both published at Albuquerque, the […]
Any and every legal notice or advertisement shall be published in a daily, tri-weekly, a semi-weekly or a weekly newspaper of general circulation that can be obtained by single copy and that is entered under the second class postage privilege in the county in which the notice or advertisement is required to be published; which […]
Except as otherwise provided by law in express terms or by necessary implication, daily, weekly, semiweekly and triweekly newspapers shall all be equally competent as media for the publication of all legal notices and advertisements. History: Laws 1937, ch. 167, § 4; 1941 Comp., § 12-203; 1953 Comp., § 10-2-3. ANNOTATIONS Bracketed material. — The […]
Proof of the publication of any such legal notice or advertisement may be made by the affidavit of the printer, business manager, editor, publisher or proprietor of the newspaper in which the publication is made, or by any other competent person who has personal knowledge of the essential facts, which affidavit, in addition to the […]
Proof of the publication of any notice required by law to be published shall be made by the publisher, editor or business manager of the newspaper in which said notice is published, making an affidavit, which affidavit shall recite the name of the newspaper in which said notice is published and the date or dates […]
Any officer, board, commission or party to any legal proceeding required to publish any notice required by law shall obtain and file in his or its office, or with the clerk of the court in which any suit or legal proceeding is pending, as the case may require, the affidavit of publication referred to in […]
For publication of all legal notices or advertisements that a governmental entity is required by law or the order of any court of record in this state to publish in newspapers, the publishers shall be paid a reasonable rate, to be set by rule or regulation of the secretary of general services. Changes in economic […]
Violation of any of the foregoing provisions [14-11-1 to 14-11-4, 14-11-7 NMSA 1978] shall be deemed a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, such violator or violators shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100, nor more than $500. History: Laws 1937, ch. 167, § 6; 1941 Comp., § 12-208; 1953 Comp., § […]
All publications required to be made by any county or incorporated city, town or village, or by any board of education or school directors, or by any officer thereof, shall be paid for out of the general fund of such county, city, town or village. Provided: that the cost of such publications pertaining to school […]