Whenever the citizens of any county in this state shall present a petition to the board of county commissioners signed by qualified electors of said county equal in number to at least one-half the legal votes cast at the last preceding general election in said county, asking for the removal of the county seat of […]
In case of a removal of the county seat as provided by law and the issue of bonds by any county for the purpose of constructing county buildings, it shall be the duty of the county commissioners of such county to cause to be levied and collected at the time and in the manner of […]
The county commissioners shall cause a certified copy of such order to be published in some newspaper of general circulation published in said county for four consecutive weeks immediately prior to such election, and by handbills posted up at three of the most public places in each precinct at least four weeks prior to such […]
Should a majority of the votes at such election be cast in favor of the place named in the petition, the county seat shall be removed to that place, and it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners, as soon as the citizens of that place have delivered the deed and paid […]
So soon as convenient buildings can be had at such new county seat the courts for said county shall be held therein, and so soon as the new courthouse and jail shall have been completed, the county commissioners shall cause all the county records, county offices and property pertaining thereto, and all county prisoners, to […]
When a new county seat shall have been established in accordance with this article the county commissioners shall cause due notice thereof to be published in some newspaper of general circulation published in said county for four consecutive weeks, and all suits, actions, process, prosecutions and proceedings already commenced or that may be commenced shall […]
Hereafter when the county seat of any county in this state shall be established at any incorporated city and the council of such city shall desire to join with said county in the erection of a public building to be used as a courthouse and jail, as well as for city purposes, such council may […]
The county commissioners of such county are hereby authorized to join with the council of such city in the construction of such building: provided, the par value of the bonds so issued and contributed by such city shall equal the cost of the grounds for such building. The [, the] amount of the cash contribution […]
Such bonds shall be sold at par or taken at par in payment for grounds or building, and such bonds shall be delivered to the county commissioners or to such person as they may designate to have charge of the construction and payment for such building. The contract for such construction shall be let by […]
Such county commissioners shall receive and accept bonds of such city issued according to this article, together with an agreement duly executed by the owners of suitable grounds for said public building, to execute a good and sufficient deed conveying the same to said county in exchange for a certain amount of said bonds in […]