Prior to receiving letters, a personal representative shall qualify by filing with the appointing probate court or district court any required bond and a statement of acceptance of the duties of the office. History: 1953 Comp., § 32A-3-601, enacted by Laws 1975, ch. 257, § 3-601. ANNOTATIONS Official comments. — See Commissioners on Uniform State […]
By accepting appointment, a personal representative submits personally to the jurisdiction of the court in any proceeding relating to the estate that may be instituted by any interested person. Notice of any proceeding shall be delivered to the personal representative or mailed to him at his address as listed in the application or petition for […]
A. No bond is required of a personal representative appointed in informal proceedings, except: (1) upon the appointment of a special administrator; (2) when a personal representative is appointed to administer an estate under a will containing an express requirement of bond; or (3) when bond is required under Section 3-605 [45-3-605 NMSA 1978]. B. […]
A. If bond is required and the provisions of the will or order do not specify the amount, unless stated in his application or petition, the person qualifying shall file a statement under oath indicating his best estimate of the value of the personal estate of the decedent and of the income expected from the […]
Any person apparently having an interest in the estate worth in excess of seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500), or any creditor having a claim in excess of seven thousand five hundred [dollars] ($7,500), may make a written demand that a personal representative give bond. The demand must be filed with the court and a […]
A. The following requirements and provisions apply to any bond required by Sections 3-601 through 3-618 [45-3-601 to 45-3-618 NMSA 1978]: (1) bonds shall name New Mexico as obligee for the benefit of the interested persons in the estate and shall be conditioned upon the faithful discharge by the personal representative of all duties according […]
A. On petition of any person who appears to have an interest in the estate, the district court by temporary order may restrain a personal representative from performing specified acts of administration, disbursement or distribution, or exercise of any powers or discharge of any duties of his office, or make any other order to secure […]
A. Termination of appointment of a personal representative occurs as indicated in Sections 3-609 through 3-612 [45-3-609 to 45-3-612 NMSA 1978]. Termination ends the right and power pertaining to the office of personal representative as conferred by the [Uniform] Probate Code or any will, except that a personal representative, at any time prior to distribution […]
A. The death of a personal representative, or the appointment of a conservator for the estate of a personal representative, terminates his appointment. B. Termination by death or appointment of a conservator imposes upon the personal representative of the deceased personal representative, or the conservator appointed for a living personal representative, the duty to protect […]
A. An appointment of a personal representative terminates as provided in Section 3-1003 [45-3-1003 NMSA 1978], one year after the filing of a closing statement. B. An order closing an estate as provided in Sections 3-1001 [45-3-1001 NMSA 1978] or 3-1002 [45-3-1002 NMSA 1978] terminates an appointment of a personal representative. C. A personal representative […]
A. Any interested person may petition for removal of a personal representative for cause at any time. Upon filing of the petition, the district court shall fix a time and place for hearing. Notice shall be given by the petitioner to the personal representative, and to such other persons as the district court may direct. […]
Except as otherwise ordered in formal proceedings, if a personal representative is appointed and then, at a later time, the will under which he is acting is invalidated or if a will is later proved, changing an assumption of intestacy under which the personal representative is acting, his office is not automatically terminated although his […]
A. Sections 3-301 through 3-311 [45-3-301 to 45-3-311 NMSA 1978] and 3-401 through 3-414 [45-3-401 to 45-3-414 NMSA 1978] govern proceedings for appointment of a personal representative to succeed one whose appointment has been terminated. B. After appointment and qualification, a successor personal representative shall be substituted in all actions and proceedings to which the […]
A special administrator may be appointed: A. informally by the probate court on the application of any interested person when necessary to protect the estate of a decedent prior to the appointment of a general personal representative or if a prior appointment has been terminated by death or disability as provided in Section 3-609 [45-3-609 […]
A. If a special administrator is to be appointed pending the probate of a will which is the subject of a pending application or petition for probate, the person named personal representative in the will shall be appointed if available, and qualified. B. In all other cases, any proper person may be appointed special administrator. […]
A special administrator appointed by the probate court in informal proceedings pursuant to Subsection A of Section 3-614 [45-3-614 NMSA 1978] has the duty to collect and manage the assets of the estate, to preserve them, to account for and to deliver such assets to the general personal representative upon his qualification. The special administrator […]
A special administrator appointed by order of the district court in any formal proceeding has the power of a general personal representative except as limited in the appointment and duties as prescribed in the order. The appointment may be for a specified time, or to perform particular acts or on other terms as the district […]
The appointment of a special administrator pursuant to Section 3-614 [45-3-614 NMSA 1978] terminates in accordance with the provisions of the order of appointment or on the appointment of a general personal representative. In other cases, the appointment of a special administrator is subject to termination by resignation, or upon removal for cause, as provided […]