A. A personal representative upon appointment may publish a notice to creditors once a week for three successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the probate proceeding is pending, announcing the personal representative’s appointment and address and notifying creditors of the estate to present their claims within four months […]
A. Unless an estate is insolvent, the personal representative, with the consent of all successors whose interests would be affected, may waive any defense of limitations available to the estate. If the defense is not waived, no claim that was barred by any statute of limitations at the time of the decedent’s death shall be […]
A. All claims against a decedent’s estate that arose before the death of the decedent, including claims of the state and any political subdivision of the state, whether due or to become due, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated or founded on contract, tort or other legal basis, if not barred earlier by another statute […]
Claims against a decedent’s estate may be presented as follows: A. the claimant may deliver or mail to the personal representative a written statement of the claim indicating its basis, the name and address of the claimant and the amount claimed, or he may file a written statement of the claim with the appropriate court. […]
A. If the applicable assets of the estate are insufficient to pay all claims in full, the personal representative shall make payment in the following order: (1) costs and expenses of administration, including compensation of personal representatives and of persons employed by the personal representatives; (2) reasonable funeral expenses; (3) debts and taxes with preference […]
A. As to claims presented in the manner described in Section 45-3-804 NMSA 1978 within the time limit prescribed in Section 45-3-803 NMSA 1978, the personal representative may mail a notice to any claimant stating that the claim has been disallowed. If after allowing or disallowing a claim the personal representative changes his decision concerning […]
A. Upon the expiration of the earlier of the time limitations provided in Section 45-3-803 NMSA 1978, the personal representative shall proceed to pay the claims allowed against the estate in the order of priority described, after making provision for family and personal property allowances, for claims already presented that have not yet been allowed […]
A. Unless otherwise provided in the contract, a personal representative is not individually liable on a contract properly entered into in his fiduciary capacity in the course of administration of the estate unless he fails to reveal his representative capacity. B. A personal representative is individually liable for obligations arising from ownership or control of […]
Payment of a secured claim is upon the basis of the amount allowed if the creditor surrenders his security; otherwise payment is upon the basis of one of the following: A. if the creditor exhausts his security before receiving payment (unless precluded by other law), upon the amount of the claim allowed less the fair […]
A. If a claim which will become due at a future time or if a contingent or unliquidated claim becomes due or certain before the distribution of the estate, and if the claim has been allowed or established by a proceeding, it is paid in the same manner as presently due and absolute claims of […]
A. In allowing a claim, the personal representative may deduct any counterclaim which the estate has against the claimant. B. In determining a claim against an estate the district court shall reduce the amount allowed by the amount of any counterclaims and, if the counterclaims exceed the claim, render a judgment against the claimant in […]
No execution may issue upon nor may any levy be made against any property of the estate under any judgment against a decedent or a personal representative, but this section shall not be construed to prevent the enforcement of mortgages, pledges or liens upon real or personal property in an appropriate proceeding. History: 1953 Comp., […]
When a claim against the estate has been presented in any manner, the personal representative may, if it appears for the best interest of the estate, compromise the claim, whether due or not due, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated. History: 1953 Comp., § 32A-3-813, enacted by Laws 1975, ch. 257, § 3-813. ANNOTATIONS Am. […]
If any assets of the estate are encumbered by mortgage, pledge, lien or other security interest, the personal representative may pay the encumbrance or any part thereof, renew or extend any obligation secured by the encumbrance or convey or transfer the assets to the creditor in satisfaction of his lien, in whole or in part, […]
A. All assets of estates being administered in New Mexico are subject to all claims, allowances and charges existing or established against the personal representative wherever appointed. B. If the estate, either in New Mexico or as a whole, is insufficient to cover all family exemptions and allowances (as determined by the law of the […]
The estate of a nonresident decedent being administered by a personal representative appointed in New Mexico shall, if there is a personal representative of the decedent’s domicile willing to receive it, be distributed to the domiciliary personal representative for the benefit of the successors of the decedent unless: A. by virtue of the decedent’s will, […]