In a conveyance of real estate the words “special warranty covenants” shall have the full force, meaning and effect of the following words: “the grantor for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and successors, covenants with the grantee, his heirs, successors and assigns that the granted premises are free from all enucumbrances [encumbrances] made by the […]
A deed in substance following the forms entitled “mortgage” or “deed of trust” shall when duly executed have the force and effect of a mortgage or deed of trust by way of mortgage to the use of the mortgagee and his heirs and assigns with mortgage covenants and upon statutory mortgage condition as defined in […]
In a mortgage or deed of trust by way of mortgage of real estate “mortgage covenants” shall have the full force and meaning and effect of the following words and shall be applied and construed accordingly: “the mortgagor for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and successors, covenants with the mortgagee and his heirs, successors and […]
In a mortgage or deed of trust by way of mortgage of real estate the words, “statutory mortgage condition” shall have the full force, meaning and effect of the following words and shall be applied and construed accordingly: “in the event any of the following terms, conditions or obligations are broken by the mortgagor, this […]
It shall be unnecessary to recite in any deed of trust given by way of mortgage that in the case of the resignation, refusal, failure or inability of the trustee named therein at any time to act, the then acting sheriff of the county in which said real estate is situate shall be successor trustee […]
In an assignment of a mortgage or deed of trust by way of mortgage of real estate the word “assign” shall be a sufficient word to transfer the mortgage or the beneficial interest under deed of trust, without the words, “transfer and set over.” History: 1941 Comp., § 75-141, enacted by Laws 1947, ch. 203, […]
(1) WARRANTY DEED ………, for consideration paid, grant ……. to ………, whose address is ………., the following described real estate in ……… county, New Mexico: (description) with warranty covenants. Witness ……… hand …… and seal …… this …… day of ……., 19 … ………… (Seal) (Here add acknowledgment(s)) (2) WARRANTY DEED (JOINT TENANTS) ………, for […]
Any agreement entered into subsequent to the first day of July, 1949, authorizing or employing an agent or broker to purchase or sell lands, tenements or hereditaments or any interest in or concerning them, for a commission or other compensation, shall be void unless the agreement, or some memorandum or note thereof shall be in […]
Any deed, mortgage, pleading in court or other instrument affecting real estate may describe such real estate by reference to the description thereof contained in or shown by one or more maps, plats, descriptions, deeds, mortgages or other instruments of record in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the affected […]
Whenever real estate has been deeded to the state of New Mexico or any municipality thereof as a gift or donation, and without payment by the state or municipality of any money consideration, said real estate to be used for a specific purpose, and said real estate has not been used for the specific purpose […]
Such an action as provided for in Section 1 [47-1-47 NMSA 1978] hereof shall be governed by the rules of pleading, practice and procedure applying to civil actions. Service of process therein shall be made upon the attorney general of the state of New Mexico for the state of New Mexico, and upon the mayor […]
The system of plane coordinates which has been established by the national ocean survey and national geodetic survey for defining and stating the positions or locations of points on the surface of the earth within the state of New Mexico shall be known and designated as the “New Mexico coordinate system”. As used in Section […]
As established for use in the east zone, the New Mexico coordinate system shall be named and in any land description in which it is used it shall be designated the “New Mexico coordinate system of 1927, east zone” or the “New Mexico coordinate system of 1983, east zone”. As established for use in the […]
The plane coordinates of a point on the earth’s surface, to be used in expressing the position or location of the point in the appropriate zone of this system, shall consist of two distances, expressed in feet and decimals of a foot when using the New Mexico coordinate system of 1927 and expressed in meters […]
When any tract of land to be defined by a single description extends from one into another of the coordinate zones as provided in Section 47-1-49 NMSA 1978, the positions of all points on its boundaries may be referred to either of the zones; the zone which is used shall be specifically named in the […]
A. For purposes of more precisely defining the New Mexico coordinate system, the following definition by the national ocean survey and national geodetic survey is adopted: (1) the New Mexico coordinate system, east zone, is a transverse mercator projection having a central meridian 104 20′ west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set […]
No coordinates based on the New Mexico coordinate system, purporting to define the position of a point on a land boundary, shall be presented to be recorded in any public land records or deed records unless such point is within eight kilometers of a monumented horizontal control station established by and for and for which […]
The use of the term “New Mexico coordinate system” on any map, report of survey or other document, shall be limited to coordinates based on the New Mexico coordinate system as defined. History: 1953 Comp., § 70-1-53, enacted by Laws 1957, ch. 147, § 7. ANNOTATIONS Cross references. — For void indemnity agreements, see 56-7-1 […]
For the purpose of describing the location of any survey station or land boundary corner in the state of New Mexico, it shall be considered a complete, legal and satisfactory description of such location to give the position of said survey state or land boundary corner on the system of coordinates defined in Sections 47-1-49 […]
A. As used in this section, “scrivener’s-error affidavit” means an affidavit to correct a drafting or clerical error in: (1) a legal description, such as the omission of one or more words; (2) the name of a subdivision; (3) the recording information for a plat; (4) a metes and bounds description, if bearings or distances […]