Section 48-11-1 – Short title.
This act [48-11-1 to 48-11-9 NMSA 1978] may be cited as the “Self-Service Storage Lien Act”. History: Laws 1987, ch. 314, § 1.
This act [48-11-1 to 48-11-9 NMSA 1978] may be cited as the “Self-Service Storage Lien Act”. History: Laws 1987, ch. 314, § 1.
As used in the Self-Service Storage Lien Act: A. “default” means the failure to perform in a timely manner any obligation or duty set forth in the Self-Service Storage Lien Act or in the rental agreement; B. “electronic mail” means the transmission of information or a communication by the use of a computer or other […]
The rental agreement shall contain a notice stating that all articles stored under the terms of that agreement will be sold or otherwise disposed of under the terms and conditions of the Self-Service Storage Lien Act if the tenant is in default. The agreement shall contain a disclosure provision stating the name and address of […]
A self-service storage facility is not a warehouse as that term is used in Sections 55-7-209 and 55-7-210 NMSA 1978; nor shall a self-service storage facility be used for residential purposes. History: Laws 1987, ch. 314, § 4.
When an owner has a lien, it is on all personal property located at the self-service storage facility for rent, labor or other charges in relation to the personal property and for expenses necessary for its preservation or expenses reasonably incurred in its sale or other disposition pursuant to the provisions of the Self-Service Storage […]
Any person who has a perfected security interest under Chapter 55, Article 9 NMSA 1978 may claim any personal property subject to the security interest and subject to a lien arising under the Self-Service Storage Lien Act by paying the total amount due for the storage of the property as specified in the notice to […]
A. An owner’s lien, as provided under the Self-Service Storage Lien Act, for a claim that has become due may be satisfied as follows: (1) after the occupant has been in default continuously for a period of five days, the owner may deny the occupant access to the occupant’s space for storage; (2) after the […]
Each owner shall post in a prominent place in his office at all times a notice which reads as follows: “All articles stored under a rental agreement, which have incurred unpaid charges for thirty days, will be sold or otherwise disposed of to pay charges at the end of ninety days.”. History: Laws 1987, ch. […]
Any person who willfully fails to disclose any lienholder as required by the disclosure provision of the rental agreement defined in Section 3 [48-11-3 NMSA 1978] of the Self-Service Storage Lien Act is guilty of a petty misdemeanor. History: Laws 1987, ch. 314, § 9. ANNOTATIONS Severability. — Laws 1987, ch. 314, § 11 provided […]