Every bonded abstracter or abstract company, doing business in compliance with the provisions contained in Sections 51-1301 and 51-1302, 1941 Comp. Statutes, who shall hereafter compile and furnish any abstract or continuation of abstract, of title to any real estate at the request of the owner thereof, or his authorized agent, shall have a lien […]
Every abstracter claiming the benefit of this act [48-4-1 to 48-4-4 NMSA 1978] must, within ninety (90) days after the date of the certificate in the abstract for which lien is claimed, file for record with the county clerk of the county or counties in which the property, or any part thereof, covered by said […]
The county clerk must record the claim of lien in a book kept for that purpose, which record must be indexed as deeds and other conveyances are required by law to be indexed, and for which he may receive the same fees as are allowed by law for recording deeds. History: 1941 Comp., § 51-1307, […]
No lien provided for in this act [48-4-1 to 48-4-4 NMSA 1978] shall bind any real estate for a longer period than one (1) year after the same has been filed, unless proceedings be commenced in the district court in and for the county in which the real estate or any of it, described in […]