A. Any association authorized to transact business in this state may conduct a branch or branches with the powers and limitations provided in the Savings and Loan Act. The association shall first file an application with the supervisor, accompanied by an investigation fee of five hundred dollars ($500). The supervisor shall conduct a hearing on […]
When approval for a change of any office is applied for, the supervisor shall approve or disapprove the application at his discretion. The supervisor shall give any person who might be affected an opportunity to be heard on the action proposed to be taken for which approval is sought. History: 1953 Comp., § 48-15-62, enacted […]
A. The business of an association shall be directed by a board of directors, consisting of not less than five nor more than twenty-one persons elected by a majority vote at each annual meeting of the members or stockholders present or represented by proxy. At least three-fourths of the directors shall be citizens of the […]
As used in the Savings and Loan Act: A. “association” means a savings association or savings and loan association or building and loan association subject to the provisions of the Savings and Loan Act; B. “dividends or interest on savings accounts” means that part of the income of an association that is declared payable on […]
Within thirty days after the corporate existence of an association begins, the initial board of directors shall hold an organizational meeting and, pursuant to the provisions of the Savings and Loan Act and the bylaws, shall elect officers and take other appropriate action in connection with beginning the transaction of business by the association. Upon […]
The bylaws of an association may prescribe other qualifications for directors, but no person is eligible for election as a director unless he is the owner in good faith and in his own right on the books of the association, either in the form of a savings account or permanent capital stock, or a combination […]
The officers of an association shall consist of a president, one or more vice presidents, a secretary and other officers as prescribed by the bylaws. Officers shall be elected by majority vote of the board of directors. History: 1953 Comp., § 48-15-66, enacted by Laws 1967, ch. 61, § 22. ANNOTATIONS Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. […]
A. Each association shall maintain an effective blanket indemnity bond with an adequate corporate surety authorized to do business in this state protecting the association from loss by or through any fraud, dishonesty, forgery or alteration, larceny, embezzlement, robbery, burglary, misappropriation or any other dishonest or criminal action or omission by any officer or employee […]
The annual meeting of the members of each association shall be held each year at the time fixed in the bylaws of the association. Special meetings may be called as provided in the bylaws. Members entitled to vote at any meeting of the members are those who were members of record at the end of […]
A. Every member may inspect records of an association which pertain to his loan, permanent capital stock or savings account. Otherwise, the right of inspection and examination of the records is limited to the supervisor or his authorized representatives as provided in the Savings and Loan Act, to persons authorized to act for the association […]
Every association shall keep correct and complete books of account and minutes of the meetings of members and directors. History: 1953 Comp., § 48-15-70, enacted by Laws 1967, ch. 61, § 26. ANNOTATIONS Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 10 Am. Jur. 2d Banks § 18. 9 C.J.S. Banks and Banking §§ 8, […]
No association shall, directly or indirectly, by any system of account or any device of bookkeeping, knowingly enter any of its assets upon its books in the name of any other person, partnership, association or corporation or under any title or designation that is not truly descriptive of the assets. History: 1953 Comp., § 48-15-71, […]
After a determination of value, the supervisor may order that assets in the aggregate, to the extent that the assets exceed appraised value, be charged off, or that a special reserve or reserves equal to the depreciation in value be set up by transfers from surplus, undivided profits or reserves. History: 1953 Comp., § 48-15-72, […]
Every association shall maintain membership or stockholder records which show the name and address of each member, the status of each member as a savings account holder, a stockholder or an obligor and the date of his membership. History: 1953 Comp., § 48-15-73, enacted by Laws 1967, ch. 61, § 29.
A. Application for a charter for an association may be made by five or more citizens of this state by filing with the supervisor an application consisting of: (1) four copies of the articles of incorporation for the proposed association stating: (a) the name of the association; (b) the site of the principal office; and […]
Every association shall prepare and publish in January of each year, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the principal office of the association is located, a statement of its financial condition in the form prescribed or approved by the supervisor as of the last business day of December of the […]
On or before January 31 each year, every association shall make a written report to the supervisor, upon a form prescribed and furnished by the supervisor, of its affairs and operations, including a complete statement of its financial condition along with a statement of income and expense since its last previous similar report, for the […]
No association shall borrow more money than an aggregate amount equal to fifty percent of its withdrawable savings on the date of borrowing, except that the supervisor may grant immediate authority to exceed this limit for the sole purpose of meeting withdrawals. History: 1953 Comp., § 48-15-76, enacted by Laws 1967, ch. 61, § 32. […]
Every association incorporated pursuant to, or operating under, the provisions of the Savings and Loan Act has all powers authorized by the corporation laws of this state, is a body corporate and politic, may sue and be sued, may have a common seal which it may alter at pleasure and has all other powers incident […]
Any association may act as fiscal agent of the United States and, when so designated by the secretary of the treasury, shall perform under regulations he may require, and may act as agent for any instrumentality of the United States. History: 1953 Comp., § 48-15-78, enacted by Laws 1967, ch. 61, § 34. ANNOTATIONS Am. […]