A. Subject to such regulations as the director may prescribe, a credit union may maintain and lease safe deposit boxes and may accept property or documents for safekeeping if, except in the case of night depositories, it issues a receipt for them. B. A credit union may own stock in safe deposit box companies not […]
Unless otherwise provided in a written agreement, where a lessor, without knowledge of the death of or an adjudication of incapacity of the lessee, deals with his agent pursuant to a written power of attorney signed by the lessee, the transaction binds the lessee’s estate and the lessee. History: Laws 1991, ch. 51, § 22. […]
A lessor may lease a safe deposit box and in connection therewith deal with a minor with the same effect as if leasing to and dealing with a person of full legal capacity. History: Laws 1991, ch. 51, § 23. ANNOTATIONS Cross references. — For the age of majority, see 28-6-1 NMSA 1978.
A. A lessor shall permit the person named in a court order, or if no order has been served upon the lessor, the spouse, parent, an adult descendant or a person named as a personal representative in a copy of a purported will produced by him, to open and examine the contents of a safe […]
A. An adverse claim to the contents of a safe deposit box or to property held in safekeeping is not sufficient to require the lessor to deny access to its lessee unless the lessor is directed to do so by court order. B. An adverse claim includes, but is not limited to, the following: (1) […]
A. Unless otherwise provided in a written agreement, if the rental due on a safe deposit box has not been paid for six months, the lessor may send a notice by certified or registered mail to the last known address of the lessee stating that the safe deposit box will be opened and its contents […]
A. In the event a credit union is liquidated or placed under conservatorship by the director, as authorized by Subsection I of Section 58-11-3 NMSA 1978 of the Credit Union Regulatory Act [Credit Union Act], the conservator or receiver shall send a notice by certified or registered mail to the last known address of the […]