A. A person shall not engage in currency exchange or advertise, solicit or hold itself out as providing currency exchange for which the person receives revenues equal or greater than five percent of total revenues unless the person: (1) is licensed pursuant to Article 4 [58-32-401 to 58-32-404 NMSA 1978] of the Uniform Money Services […]
A. A person applying for a license pursuant to Article 4 of the Uniform Money Services Act shall apply in a record signed under penalty of perjury that shall be in a form and in a medium required by the director. Each form shall contain content as set forth by rule, instruction or procedure of […]
A. When an application is filed pursuant to Article 4 [58-32-401 to 58-32-404 NMSA 1978] of the Uniform Money Services Act, the director shall investigate the applicant’s financial condition and responsibility, financial and business experience, character and general fitness. The director may conduct an onsite investigation of the applicant, in New Mexico or in any […]
A. A license issued pursuant to Article 4 [58-32-401 to 58-32-404 NMSA 1978] of the Uniform Money Services Act shall expire on December 31 each year. A licensee pursuant to Article 4 of the Uniform Money Services Act shall pay an annual renewal fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000) before November 1 of each year […]