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Section 66-3-1001 – Short title.

Sections 66-3-1001 through 66-3-1016 [and 66-3-1017 to 66-3-1020] NMSA 1978 may be cited as the “Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act”. History: 1953 Comp., § 64-3-1001, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 197; 1985, ch. 189, § 1. ANNOTATIONS Compiler’s notes. — Laws 2005, ch. 325, §§ 19 to 22 were enacted as new sections of […]

Section 66-3-1001.1 – Definitions.

As used in the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act: A. “board” means the off-highway motor vehicle advisory board; B. “department” means the department of game and fish; C. “division” means the motor vehicle division of the taxation and revenue department; D. “fund” means the trail safety fund; E. “off-highway motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle designed […]

Section 66-3-1002 – Repealed.

ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 1990, ch. 120, § 45 repealed 66-3-1002 NMSA 1978, as amended by Laws 1985, ch. 189, § 2, relating to definitions, effective July 1, 1990. For provisions of former section, see the 1989 NMSA 1978 on For present comparable provisions, see 66-1-4.1 to 66-1-4.20 NMSA 1978.

Section 66-3-1003 – Off-highway motor vehicles; registration.

Unless exempted from the provisions of the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act, a person shall not operate an off-highway motor vehicle unless the off-highway motor vehicle has been registered in accordance with Chapter 66, Article 3 NMSA 1978. The owner shall affix the validating sticker as provided in Chapter 66, Article 3 NMSA 1978. History: 1953 […]

Section 66-3-1003.1 – Recompiled.

History: Laws 2017, ch. 70, § 2; 66-3-1003.1 recompiled as 66-3-424.36 by compiler. ANNOTATIONS Recompilations. — Laws 2017, ch. 70, § 2 was erroneously compiled as 66-3-1003.1 NMSA 1978 and has been recompiled as 66-3-424.36 NMSA 1978 by the compiler.

Section 66-3-1004.1 – Repealed.

History: Laws 2005, ch. 325, § 4; 2007, ch. 319, § 37; repealed by Laws 2009, ch. 53, § 15. ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 2009, ch. 53, § 15 repealed 66-3-1004.01 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 2005, ch. 325, § 4, relating to fees, effective April 1, 2009. For provisions of former section, see […]

Section 66-3-1005 – Exemptions.

The provisions of the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act shall not apply to persons who operate off-highway motor vehicles on privately held lands or to off-highway motor vehicles that are: A. owned and operated by an agency or department of the United States, this state or a political subdivision of this state; B. operated exclusively on […]

Section 66-3-1006 – Grounds for refusing registration or certificate of title.

The division may refuse registration or issuance of a certificate of title or any transfer of a registration certificate if: A. the division has reasonable grounds to believe that the application contains any false or fraudulent statement or that the applicant has failed to furnish the required information or reasonable additional information requested by the […]

Section 66-3-1007 – Evidentiary value of certificate of title.

A certificate of title issued by the division for an off-highway motor vehicle shall be received as prima facie evidence of the ownership of the off-highway motor vehicle named in the certificate and as prima facie evidence of all liens and encumbrances against the off-highway motor vehicle appearing on the certificate. History: 1953 Comp., § […]

Section 66-3-1008 – Validating stickers to be furnished by division.

The division, upon registering an off-highway motor vehicle, shall issue to the owner validating stickers as provided in Section 66-3-14 NMSA 1978. History: 1953 Comp., § 64-3-1008, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 204; 1985, ch. 189, § 8; 2005, ch. 325, § 8. ANNOTATIONS The 2005 amendment, effective January 1, 2006, provided that […]

Section 66-3-1009 – Repealed.

ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 1991, ch. 160, § 22 repealed 66-3-1009 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 205, relating to dealer demonstration certificates, effective July 1, 1991. For provisions of former section, see the 1990 NMSA 1978 on

Section 66-3-1010 – Licensing.

Drivers of off-highway motor vehicles are not required to be licensed. History: 1953 Comp., § 64-3-1010, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 206; 1985, ch. 189, § 10.

Section 66-3-1010.2 – Off-highway motor vehicle safety permit; requirements; issuance.

A person under the age of eighteen shall be required to successfully complete an off-highway motor vehicle safety training course for which the person shall have parental permission. The course shall be conducted by an off-highway motor vehicle safety training organization that is approved and certified by the department. Upon successful completion of the course, […]

Section 66-3-1010.3 – Operation and equipment; safety requirements.

A. A person shall not operate an off-highway motor vehicle: (1) in a careless, reckless or negligent manner so as to endanger the person or property of another; (2) while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs as provided by Section 66-8-102 NMSA 1978; (3) while in pursuit of and with intent to hunt […]

Section 66-3-1010.4 – Safety helmet; civil liability.

Failure by a passenger or driver to use a safety helmet while on an off-highway motor vehicle shall not in any instance constitute fault or negligence and shall not limit or apportion damages. History: Laws 2005, ch. 325, § 12. ANNOTATIONS Effective dates. — Laws 2005, ch. 325, § 26 made this section effective January […]

Section 66-3-1010.5 – Requirements of dealers to distribute safety information.

A dealer selling off-highway motor vehicles shall distribute information provided by the department to off-highway motor vehicle purchasers on state laws, environmental and cultural considerations, customs, safety requirements, training programs, operating characteristics and potential risk of injury associated with off-highway motor vehicles. History: Laws 2005, ch. 325, § 13; 2009, ch. 53, § 6. ANNOTATIONS […]

Section 66-3-1011 – Operation on streets or highways; prohibited areas.

A. A person shall not operate an off-highway motor vehicle on any: (1) limited access highway or freeway at any time; or (2) paved street or highway except as provided in Subsection B, C, D or E of this section. B. Off-highway motor vehicles may cross streets or highways, except limited access highways or freeways, […]

Section 66-3-1012 – Driving of off-highway motor vehicles adjacent to highway.

A. Off-highway motor vehicles issued a validating sticker or nonresident permit may be driven adjacent to a highway, yielding to all vehicles entering or exiting the highway, in a manner so as not to interfere with traffic upon the highway, only for the purpose of gaining access to or returning from areas designed for the […]