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Home » US Law » 2021 New Mexico Statutes » Chapter 66 - Motor Vehicles » Article 4 - Licensing of Dealers and Wreckers

Section 66-4-1.1 – Auto recycler license; presumption of conducting business.

A. A person desiring to engage in the business of wrecking or dismantling vehicles for the purpose of reselling parts or scrap material shall apply to the department for an auto recycler license. A person possessing three or more wrecked, dismantled or partially wrecked or dismantled vehicles who regularly sells or offers for sale used […]

Section 66-4-10 – Auto recyclers; notification of purchase.

A. Prior to taking actual possession of a vehicle that an auto recycler has purchased, the auto recycler shall verify with the department if the vehicle has been reported stolen by checking an electronic system maintained by the department. The auto recycler shall include the seller’s name, address, contact information and unique auto recycling license […]

Section 66-4-2 – Department to issue license.

A. Except for recreational vehicles, the department, upon receiving an initial nonfranchise dealership application accompanied by the required fee and when satisfied that the applicant has completed eight hours of education as approved by the department and complies with the laws of this state with reference to the registration of vehicles and certificates of title […]

Section 66-4-2.1 – Recreational vehicle dealers; licensure; special events.

A. A dealer, as defined in Section 66-1-4.4 NMSA 1978, shall apply to and be issued by the department a license to deal in recreational vehicles if the department finds the applicant is in compliance with department rules regarding registration of vehicles, certificates of title and all provisions of the Motor Vehicle Code [66-1-1 NMSA […]

Section 66-4-2.2 – Off-site sales.

A. A New Mexico licensed dealer, before offering a vehicle or vessel for sale at a temporary off-site location, shall apply to the department for and obtain an off-site permit. No off-site permit shall be issued to a New Mexico licensed dealer, other than a dealer in motorcycles only, for a temporary off-site location unless […]

Section 66-4-4 – Criminal offender’s character evaluation.

The provisions of the Criminal Offender Employment Act [28-2-1 to 28-2-6 NMSA 1978] govern any consideration of criminal records required or permitted by Sections 66-4-1 through 66-4-9 NMSA 1978. History: 1953 Comp., § 64-4-4, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 217; 1999, ch. 122, § 4. ANNOTATIONS Cross references. — For penalty for violation […]

Section 66-4-5 – Records of purchases, of sales and of vehicles dismantled.

A. A dealer licensee shall maintain a record in a form prescribed by the department of every vehicle of a type subject to registration pursuant to the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Code [66-1-1 NMSA 1978] that is bought, sold or exchanged by the licensee or received by the licensee for sale or exchange. B. […]

Section 66-4-6 – Place of business.

A. No license shall be issued to a dealer or auto recycler unless an established place of business as defined in the Motor Vehicle Code [66-1-1 NMSA 1978] is maintained by the dealer or auto recycler. Each license to carry on or conduct the business of a dealer or auto recycler becomes invalid when the […]

Section 66-4-7 – Dealers, wholesalers, distributors and auto recyclers; title service companies; dealers of motorcycles only; bond.

A. Before issuance of any dealer’s license, wholesaler’s license, distributor’s license, auto recycler’s license or title service company license, the applicant shall procure and file with the department a corporate surety bond in the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). An applicant for a dealer’s license for motorcycles only shall procure and file with the […]

Section 66-4-8 – Repealed.

ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 2003, ch. 410, § 9 repealed 66-4-8 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 221, relating to exemptions from licensing and bond provisions, effective June 20, 2003. For provisions of former section, see the 2002 NMSA 1978 on