ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 1990, ch. 120, § 45 repealed 66-7-1 NMSA 1978, as amended by Laws 1989, ch. 318, § 21, relating to definitions for traffic regulation, effective July 1, 1990. For provisions of former section, see the 1989 NMSA 1978 on For present comparable provisions, see 66-1-4.1 to 66-1-4.20 NMSA 1978.
Nothing in Article 7 of Chapter 66 NMSA 1978 shall be construed to prevent the owner of real property, used by the public for purposes of vehicular travel by permission of the owner and not as matter of right, from prohibiting such use, or from requiring other or different or additional conditions than those so […]
Notwithstanding any rule or agreement of the department of transportation, the New Mexico state police, in cases of emergency where the condition of a state, United States or interstate highway presents a substantial danger to vehicular travel by reason of storm, fire, accident, spillage of hazardous materials or other unusual or dangerous conditions, may temporarily […]
A. Prior to testing an autonomous motor vehicle or an autonomous commercial motor vehicle on a public highway in New Mexico, a person owning or operating such a motor vehicle shall notify the department of transportation at least five calendar days in advance of such operation on a form provided by rule by the department […]
A. Autonomous motor vehicles and autonomous commercial motor vehicles shall meet all applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards. Additionally, autonomous motor vehicles and autonomous commercial motor vehicles shall be capable of being operated in compliance with applicable traffic and motor vehicle laws in New Mexico. B. No political subdivision of the state may, by ordinance, […]
Every person riding an animal or driving any animal-drawn vehicle upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by Article 7 of Chapter 66 NMSA 1978, except those provisions of Article 7 of Chapter 66 NMSA 1978 […]
The provisions of Article 7 of Chapter 66 NMSA 1978 shall be applicable and uniform throughout this state and in all political subdivisions and municipalities therein and no local authority shall enact or enforce any ordinance, rule or regulation in conflict with such provisions unless expressly authorized herein. Local authorities may, however, adopt additional traffic […]
A. The provisions of the Motor Vehicle Code [66-1-1 NMSA 1978] shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power, from: (1) regulating the standing or parking of vehicles; (2) regulating traffic by means of police officers or […]