An artesian well for the purposes of this act [72-13-1 to 72-13-12 NMSA 1978] is hereby defined to be an artificial well which derives its water supply from any artesian stratum or basin. History: Laws 1935, ch. 43, § 1; 1941 Comp., § 77-1201; 1953 Comp., § 75-12-1. ANNOTATIONS Purpose. — The 1935 statute relating […]
When reservoirs are constructed to be used for storage of water from artesian wells the capacity shall not be greater than that sufficient to hold the continuous maximum flow of the water from such wells for a period of more than forty-eight (48) hours, excepting that where the maximum discharge of such wells is less […]
It shall be unlawful to use water from any artesian well for the purpose of watering stock, except where such water shall be carried through pipes to watering troughs fitted with float feeds or other means of control to prevent waste therefrom. History: Laws 1935, ch. 43, § 11; 1941 Comp., § 77-1211; 1953 Comp., […]
Any person or corporation violating any of the provisions of Section [Sections] 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 [72-13-4, 72-13-5, 72-13-8 to 72-13-11 NMSA 1978] of this act or any of the rules and regulations promulgated by the state engineer in conformity therewith, and each day such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate […]
All artesian waters which have been declared to be public waters shall be under the supervision and control of the state engineer, as provided by this act [72-13-1 to 72-13-12 NMSA 1978], but where artesian conservancy districts have been duly organized pursuant to Chapter 97 of the New Mexico Session Laws of 1931 [73-1-1 to […]
The county commissioners of any county wherein an artesian basin is situated and wherein an artesian conservancy district has not been organized may employ with the consent and approval of the state engineer an artesian well supervisor and any assistants deemed necessary, who shall be under the supervision of the state engineer, and it shall […]
The state engineer shall prescribe and enforce reasonable rules and regulations consistent with the terms of this act [72-13-1 to 72-13-12 NMSA 1978] governing the drilling, casing, repairing, plugging and abandonment of artesian wells, and, where necessary, may vary such rules and regulations with the varying conditions in the different artesian basins; provided, however, that […]
Any contractor drilling a well within any artesian basin where such well is drilled down to or through any artesian stratum shall keep a complete record and log of the well, recording the depth, thickness and character of the different strata penetrated, together with the dates when the work was begun and completed, and the […]
For the purposes of this act [72-13-1 to 72-13-12 NMSA 1978], waste is defined as causing, suffering or permitting any artesian water to reach any pervious stratum above the artesian strata before coming to the surface of the earth, or causing, suffering or permitting any artesian well to discharge unnecessarily upon the surface of the […]
Any artesian well which has been abandoned for more than four years, from which the right to the use of the waters has reverted to the state, and which is found to be wasting the waters from any artesian basin, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and the state engineer, his representatives or […]
The owner of any artesian well which is being beneficially used or which under existing water rights may be beneficially used, who causes, suffers or permits the waters therefrom after coming to the surface of the earth to waste as herein defined, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Such waste is also hereby declared to […]
It is unlawful for any owner, person or corporation using the waters from any artesian well to conduct the same through any ditch, channel or conduit such that more than twenty percent of the waters are lost between the point of appropriation and the point of beneficial use. History: Laws 1935, ch. 43, § 9; […]