Section 268.010 – Short title.
This chapter may be referred to as the Metropolitan Service District Act of 1997. [1969 c.700 §1; 1997 c.833 §3]
This chapter may be referred to as the Metropolitan Service District Act of 1997. [1969 c.700 §1; 1997 c.833 §3]
As used in this chapter: (1) “District” means a metropolitan service district established under this chapter. (2) “District charter” means a home rule charter enacted by the electors of a district under section 14, Article XI, Oregon Constitution. (3) “Metropolitan area” means that area which on October 4, 1997, lies within the boundaries of Clackamas, […]
(1) This chapter is enacted in order to provide a method of making available in metropolitan areas public services not adequately available through previously authorized governmental agencies. (2) To this end not more than one district may be established under this chapter in any metropolitan area. (3) Subject to the provisions of a district charter, […]
Transportation facilities operated by a district, including the rates and charges made by the district and the equipment operated by the district, and transportation facilities operated for a district by a private operator pursuant to a contract between the operator and the district, including the rates and charges made by the operator pursuant to the […]
(1) The cost of elections to nominate or elect elected officials of the district shall be paid by the district. (2) When a district election is held on a district measure, the election shall be conducted under ORS chapter 255. [1977 c.665 §6a (enacted in lieu of 268.200); 1997 c.833 §6]