(1) It is declared to be the policy and intent of the Legislative Assembly that: (a) The legislatively adopted or approved budget for a state agency constitutes a determination by the Legislative Assembly of the amount needed by the agency for the biennium to meet the responsibilities imposed on the agency through the budget and […]
(1) The Oregon Department of Administrative Services shall make allotments to state officers and agencies of appropriations and funds pursuant to the allotment system provided for in ORS 291.234 to 291.260. (2) For the purposes of the allotment system, each fiscal year shall be divided into four quarterly allotment periods, beginning, respectively, on the first […]
(1) The provisions of ORS 291.234 to 291.260 relating to the allotment system shall apply to all appropriations for state officers and agencies. For this purpose “appropriation” includes standing, continuing and annual appropriations, and dedicated funds. In those cases where periodical allotments are impracticable, the Oregon Department of Administrative Services may dispense therewith and prescribe […]
(1) Except as expressly authorized in this section or ORS 291.236, no person shall incur, or order or vote to incur, any obligation against the state in excess of, or make or order or vote to make any expenditure not authorized by, an allotment. Any such obligation so incurred shall not be binding against the […]
(1) An appropriation to which the allotment system is applicable does not become available to any state agency for expenditure during any allotment period until: (a) The agency submits to the Oregon Department of Administrative Services an estimate, in such form as the department prescribes, for the allotment period, of the amount required for each […]
The Oregon Department of Administrative Services shall act promptly upon all estimates required by ORS 291.242. If the estimate is within the terms of the appropriation as to amount and purposes, having due regard for the probable further needs of the agency for the remainder of the term for which the appropriation was made, and […]
Allotments shall be made according to purpose and classification of expenditures prescribed in the appropriation measure as enacted by the Legislative Assembly; provided, however, that the Oregon Department of Administrative Services may make allotments for agencies by purposes or by other classification of expenditures of amounts appropriated or authorized to be expended in appropriation measures […]
Upon the granting of any allotment, the Oregon Department of Administrative Services shall transmit a notice of the allotment to the agency concerned.
The agency shall not create any claim or encumbrance for the future disbursement of appropriated moneys unless the proposed expenditure as estimated, together with expenses theretofore paid from or encumbered against such allotment, is within the total amount and for the purposes specified in the notice of allotment transmitted to such agency.
(1) Upon application of or upon notice to the agency concerned, the Oregon Department of Administrative Services may at any time modify or amend any allotment previously made by the department. (2) A modification or amendment of an allotment made under subsection (1) of this section may not reduce an allotment below the amount required […]
A new personnel position or classification, not provided in the budget of an agency upon which appropriations have been based, may not be established without prior approval of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services. The department shall notify the Legislative Fiscal Office of establishment of any new personnel position or classification. [Amended by 2016 c.117 […]
(1) At the request of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services, before a state agency makes requests or prepares budgets to be submitted to the federal government for funds, equipment, material or services, other than for highway purposes, the agency shall submit the request or budget to the department. (2) The department may approve, disapprove, […]
(1) Notwithstanding the legislative policy and intent declared in ORS 291.232, if the Oregon Department of Administrative Services declares at any time during a biennium that there is a projected deficit in that biennium, the department may, with the approval of the Governor and in order to prevent the deficit, reduce the amount allotted to […]
(1) As used in this section, “state agency” includes any state officer, department, board, commission or court, the Legislative Assembly, its committees, officers and employees. (2) A state agency shall inform the Oregon Department of Administrative Services of any position that has remained vacant for a continuous period of six months by including a report […]