(1) It is the intent of the Legislative Assembly, in funding the development and implementation of a new statewide financial management system, that statewide financial management systems and policies support program-driven budget planning and execution, based on timely and accurate statewide managerial cost accounting information and that such systems support legislative program evaluation and performance […]
(1) The Oregon Department of Administrative Services shall ensure that state agency activities and programs are directed toward achieving performance outcomes. The department shall: (a) Monitor progress, identify barriers and generate alternative approaches for attaining performance outcomes. (b) Ensure the development of a statewide system of performance measures designed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness […]
(1) Pursuant to ORS 291.252, if the Oregon Department of Administrative Services certifies agency savings due to agency actions rather than changes in service demands and such actions do not materially reduce legislatively authorized programs, 50 percent of the savings shall be credited to the General Fund or, if the agency’s funds originated as dedicated […]