(1) The Director of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services may require a fidelity bond of any officer, employee or agent of the department or of any other state officer, employee or agent who has charge of, handles or has access to any money or property belonging to the state or in which the state […]
[1967 c.419 §9; renumbered 184.340]
(1) The Oregon Department of Administrative Services, under the direction of the Governor and as provided by law, is responsible generally for the administration and coordination of internal accounting and other affairs, controls, procedures and services of a fiscal nature of the state government and agencies thereof. (2) Except as otherwise provided by law, the […]
The Oregon Department of Administrative Services, or the State Chief Information Officer for purposes related to information and telecommunications technology, may make or cause to be made administrative and organizational surveys of the state agencies for the purpose of determining the feasibility of improving the administration of the state government by eliminating unnecessary positions and […]
The Oregon Department of Administrative Services, or the State Chief Information Officer for purposes related to information and telecommunications technology, shall conduct research for use in administrative planning, policy review and organization and methods improvement. Periodic administrative reports to the department, the State Chief Information Officer and the Governor that are designed to outline factually […]
[Renumbered 291.028]
For the purposes of carrying out its duties, powers and functions, the Oregon Department of Administrative Services may examine the records, files, documents, accounts and financial affairs of any state agency, and shall have the right of access for that purpose. During business hours the department may examine the accounts of any state agency in […]
The Oregon Department of Administrative Services, upon the basis of its research and reports received, shall submit, from time to time, for the Governor’s consideration and appropriate action thereupon, suggestions for the development of interagency policies consistent with the executive policies of the Governor and for the improvement of operating methods and procedures and better […]
As used in ORS 291.032 and 291.034, “state agency” or “agency” includes the Legislative Assembly, at its option, or any of its statutory, standing, special or interim committees, at the option of such committee, the courts and their officers and committees and the constitutional state officers, at their option, and the Public Defense Services Commission, […]
The Oregon Department of Administrative Services, or the State Chief Information Officer for purposes related to information and telecommunications technology, may provide technical services to state agencies for management improvement development and the development of economies in the organization and administration of state agencies. The technical services may include consulting studies in work simplification, work […]
The State Chief Information Officer may provide technical services to state agencies for data processing systems development and developing data processing methods and applications in a manner that is consistent with the State Chief Information Officer’s rules, policies and standards. The technical services may include consulting and programming services and assistance in locating electronic data […]
[2014 c.77 §1; 2015 c.167 §5; 2015 c.243 §8; 2015 c.807 §46; 2017 c.440 §14; 2017 c.512 §1; renumbered 276A.223 in 2017]
[1991 c.531 §1; 2014 c.102 §3; renumbered 276A.200 in 2017]
[1967 c.419 §11; 1985 c.594 §1; 1991 c.531 §2; 1993 c.724 §§14,14a; 1995 c.612 §19; 1997 c.484 §2; 1997 c.684 §2; 2003 c.674 §27; 2009 c.601 §3; 2011 c.637 §97; 2013 c.100 §1; 2013 c.692 §1; 2014 c.102 §4; 2015 c.767 §90; 2015 c.807 §41a; renumbered 276A.206 in 2017]
[2013 c.692 §3; 2014 c.102 §5; 2015 c.807 §42; 2016 c.48 §1; renumbered 276A.203 in 2017]
(1) Within 180 days of the close of each fiscal year, the Oregon Department of Administrative Services shall prepare a financial report for the State of Oregon. The report shall contain financial statements which fairly present the financial condition and results of operation of the State of Oregon in accordance with current, generally accepted accounting […]
[2015 c.807 §8; 2017 c.513 §7; renumbered 276A.209 in 2017]
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the State Chief Information Officer: (a) May hold copyrights and obtain patents on copyrightable or patentable data processing programs, information or materials that a state agency develops, publishes or produces. (b) May cause to have sold, leased or otherwise made available the data processing programs, […]
(1) For each calendar quarter, a state agency shall report to the Oregon Department of Administrative Services the number of state agency employees during the preceding calendar quarter who received a pay-line exception and the amount of each pay-line exception. For each calendar quarter, the department shall compile the results of the state agency reports […]