For the purposes of ORS 294.725 to 294.755: (1) “Account balance” means the amount a political subdivision has paid into the Local Government Employer Benefit Trust Fund less the amount of unemployment benefits paid by the Employment Department on behalf of the political subdivision. (2) “Account reserve ratio” means the ratio, expressed as a percent […]
(1) There is created a Local Government Employer Benefit Trust Fund, separate and distinct from the General Fund. The State Treasurer shall be the custodian of such fund and the fund shall consist of: (a) All moneys received from political subdivisions under the provisions of ORS 293.701, 294.725 to 294.755 and 657.513; (b) Interest earned […]
(1) A political subdivision shall pay into the Local Government Employer Benefit Trust Fund an amount equal to the percentage rate of the political subdivision, as determined under subsections (2) to (5) of this section, multiplied by the gross wages the political subdivision pays to individuals in employment subject to ORS chapter 657, except that […]
(1) The Employment Department shall refund to a political subdivision electing to cancel its request as provided by ORS 657.513 any account balance remaining after the department has made all payments to the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund required to be made on behalf of the political subdivision. (2) A political subdivision canceling a request having […]
The Employment Department shall investigate the experience of political subdivision participation in operations of the fund, including the relationship of fund receipts to fund expenditures and report the results of the investigation to the legislature at least 30 days prior to the convening of the odd-numbered year regular session of the Legislative Assembly. The report […]
(1) The experience and liabilities of a political subdivision that has ceased to exist shall be acquired by the successor political subdivision. (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, all units of government who are parties to an agreement to form a political subdivision shall be liable for any unpaid assessments of that political subdivision […]
Political subdivisions electing to participate in the Local Government Employer Benefit Trust Fund shall pay into the fund on a quarterly basis and are subject to all remedies for the collection of delinquent taxes provided in ORS chapter 657. [1977 c.491 §10]