US Lawyer Database

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Section 370.010 – Authority to issue bonds.

(1) Any county may issue bonds for the purpose of raising money to be used for the construction and maintenance of permanent roads in that county. (2) All moneys raised under the provisions of this chapter shall be used in constructing permanent public roads in that county, which roads, except as otherwise provided by law, […]

Section 370.020 – Road work plans, specifications and bids.

The county court: (1) Shall prepare plans and specifications of roads mentioned in ORS 370.010. (2) Shall invite bids in conformity to such plans and specifications. (3) May also receive and consider any and all bids in conformity to any plans and specifications furnished by any individual, firm or corporation offering to bid on such […]

Section 370.120 – County court’s use of money raised by sale of bonds.

If the county court in its order calling an election under ORS 370.031 designates the particular roads to be built or improved by the money raised by the sale of bonds, the county court shall not use any of the money raised upon any other road or for any other purpose than those mentioned in […]

Section 370.130 – Order declaring election results; contents and effect.

If at any election under ORS 370.031 a majority of the electors voting at the election favors issuing the bonds, the county court shall enter an order in its journal declaring that fact. This order shall: (1) Be conclusive as to the regularity of all the proceedings in reference to the matter. (2) Designate the […]

Section 370.140 – Issuance of bonds.

After having entered the order as provided in ORS 370.130, the county court shall cause the bonds to be issued as prescribed in ORS chapter 287A. [Amended by 1981 c.94 §34; 2007 c.783 §175]

Section 370.150 – Issuance of serial in lieu of term bonds.

After the issuance of bonds has been authorized by an election held in accordance with ORS 370.031, 370.120 and 370.130, the county court, in lieu of bonds redeemable only at the time stated in the notice, may issue bonds and, in the order providing for their issuance, reserve the right to redeem any or all […]

Section 370.160 – Option to issue redeemable term or serial bonds.

In its discretion, the county court further may issue either term bonds or the serial bonds mentioned in ORS 370.150 with the option of redeeming them on and after certain interest-paying dates specified by the county court in the bonds. [Amended by 1997 c.171 §19; 2007 c.783 §176]

Section 370.170 – Special bond redemption funds.

Beginning with the fourth year after the bonds are sold the county court shall each year thereafter, until maturity of the bonds, set aside as a special fund for their payment such percentage of the face value of the bonds as at the date of their maturity shall aggregate their full face value. Where bonds […]

Section 370.200 – Loan of redemption funds.

Whenever there are sufficient funds on hand in the bond redemption fund, the county treasurer with the approval of the county court may loan any money in the bond redemption fund, secured by first mortgage on improved real estate within the county at six percent interest per year. All applications for such loans shall be […]

Section 370.240 – Warrants in lieu of bonds.

(1) After the issuance of bonds has been authorized by an election held in accordance with ORS 370.031, 370.120 and 370.130, the county court, in lieu of the issuance of any or all such bonds, may issue warrants drawn upon the county treasury for the purpose of securing any or all funds sought to be […]