Any personal property not coming within the definition of junk, except a vehicle as defined in ORS 801.590 or a manufactured structure as defined in ORS 446.561, that is deposited, left or displayed on a state highway is hereby found and declared to be a public nuisance. Except as provided in ORS 377.653, the Director […]
(1) If personal property is deposited, left or displayed under a state highway bridge, on property along a river and within an urban growth boundary, and the personal property is a public nuisance under ORS 377.650, the Department of Transportation may remove, store and dispose of the personal property as provided in this section. (2) […]
(1) The Department of Transportation shall adopt rules consistent with this section to provide procedures for the removal and disposition of portable signs or personal property that has been repeatedly left, deposited or displayed in violation of ORS 377.650. (2) Rules adopted by the department under this section may provide for any of the following: […]