US Lawyer Database

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Section 390.182 – Statewide accessibility design standards for recreation projects.

(1) The State Parks and Recreation Department shall establish statewide recommended standards for the design of recreation projects, including trails, docks and public recreation access points, to ensure that state recreation areas are accessible to members of the public of all mobility levels. (2) The department shall apply the statewide recommended standards to all future […]

Section 390.190 – Revolving fund.

(1) A revolving fund not to exceed the aggregate amount of $100,000 may be established within the State Parks and Recreation Department Fund by a warrant drawn on any funds, other than General Fund, appropriated to or authorized for expenditure by the State Parks and Recreation Department. (2) The fund shall be at the disposal […]

Section 390.200 – Authority of department to require fingerprints.

For the purpose of requesting a state or nationwide criminal records check under ORS 181A.195, the State Parks and Recreation Department may require the fingerprints of a person who: (1)(a) Is employed or applying for employment by the department; (b) Provides services or seeks to provide services to the department as a contractor or volunteer; […]

Section 390.230 – Fort Stevens Military Reservation; Clatsop Spit.

(1) The right, title and interest of all state agencies, other than the State Fish and Wildlife Commission and political subdivisions, in the lands described in subsection (2) of this section are hereby vested in the State or Oregon by and through its State Parks and Recreation Department. (2) All of the lands, together with […]

Section 390.231 – Development of Crissey Field as state park.

Consistent with ORS 390.010 and 390.180, the State Parks and Recreation Department shall develop a plan to make Crissey Field in Brookings a state park. The department may jointly develop the park with the State of California. [1999 c.562 §1] Note: 390.231 was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but was not added to […]

Section 390.232 – Tax on government camping and recreational vehicle spaces.

(1) If a local government, as defined by ORS 174.116, imposes a tax on the rental of privately owned camping or recreational vehicle spaces, the local government shall also impose that tax on the rental of camping or recreational vehicle spaces that are owned by the state or a local government. (2) Notwithstanding any timeline […]

Section 390.233

[2017 c.678 §2; 2021 c.613 §11; renumbered 390.241 in 2021]

Section 390.235 – Permits and conditions for excavation or removal of archaeological or historical material; rules; criminal penalty.

(1)(a) A person may not excavate or alter an archaeological site on public lands, make an exploratory excavation on public lands to determine the presence of an archaeological site or remove from public lands any material of an archaeological, historical, prehistorical or anthropological nature without first obtaining a permit issued by the State Parks and […]

Section 390.237 – Removal without permit; exceptions.

In addition to the provisions of ORS 273.241, if any individual or institution excavates or removes from the land designated in ORS 390.235 any materials of archaeological, historical, prehistorical or anthropological nature without obtaining the permit required in ORS 390.235, all materials and collections removed from such lands, with the exception of native Indian human […]

Section 390.240 – Mediation and arbitration of disputes; rules.

(1) The following disputes shall be submitted to mediation and if mediation is not successful to arbitration as described in this section: (a) A dispute with regard to the issuance of an archaeological permit under ORS 390.235; or (b) A dispute over the disposition of human skeletal remains or burial goods under ORS 97.750. (2) […]

Section 390.241 – Office of Outdoor Recreation; duties; report.

(1) The Office of Outdoor Recreation is established as an administrative section within the State Parks and Recreation Department, subject to the supervision of the Associate Director of Outdoor Recreation and the policies and procedures established by, and recommendations of, the State Parks and Recreation Director and the State Parks and Recreation Commission. (2) The […]

Section 390.243 – Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee.

(1) The Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee is established as an advisory committee to the Office of Outdoor Recreation for the purpose of carrying out the duties described in subsection (2) of this section. The State Parks and Recreation Director, upon consultation with the State Parks and Recreation Commission, shall determine the number of members of […]