As used in ORS 430.450 to 430.555, unless the context requires otherwise: (1) “Authority” means the Oregon Health Authority. (2) “Community diversion plan” means a system of services approved and monitored by the Oregon Health Authority in accordance with approved county mental health plans, which may include but need not be limited to, medical, educational, […]
When a person is arrested for violation of the criminal statutes of this state which do not involve crimes of violence against another person, and the officer or person making the arrest has reasonable grounds for believing the arrested individual is a drug-dependent person, the officer or person making the arrest may: (1) Fully inform […]
Upon obtaining the written consent of the arrested person, the officer or person making the arrest shall request an approved site to conduct an evaluation to determine whether the arrested person is drug dependent. Refusal of the arrested person to consent to the evaluation is not admissible in evidence upon the trial of the arrested […]
A defendant may be informed of the rights of the defendant to evaluation and, upon giving written consent, may be referred for such evaluation at any time prior to conviction for the offense for which the defendant is charged, notwithstanding prior refusal to submit to evaluation. The procedures stipulated in ORS 430.455 and 430.460 shall […]
(1) In the event that an officer or person making the arrest fails to inform the person arrested of the right to evaluation, and possible diversion, within 24 hours from the time of booking, an officer of the court or diversion coordinator may do so. (2) At the time of arraignment, the judge shall inform […]
(1) The results of the evaluation of an arrested person suspected of being drug dependent shall be made available to the prosecuting and defense attorneys and the presiding judge for the judicial district, but shall not be entered into evidence in any subsequent trial of the accused except upon written consent of the accused or […]
Nothing in ORS 430.450 to 430.555 is intended to limit the introduction of other evidence bearing upon the question of whether or not a person is using or is under the influence of cannabis or controlled substances. [1977 c.871 §12; 1979 c.744 §27; 2017 c.21 §61]
When the results of the evaluation obtained under ORS 430.460 or 430.465 indicate that the defendant is a drug-dependent person within the meaning of ORS 430.450 to 430.555, and the results of the evaluation indicate that such person may benefit in a substantial manner from treatment for drug dependence, the prosecutor, with the concurrence of […]
(1) Prior to the initiation of diversion, the local diversion coordinator shall submit an individual diversion plan for the defendant. Upon approval of the plan by the prosecutor and the court, the person diverted shall be required to follow the diversion plan as a condition of continuance in treatment. The plan shall be entered into […]
(1) The diversion plan shall include appropriate methods for monitoring the progress of the diverted individual toward the achievement of the defined treatment objectives. In the presence of counsel, the defendant shall review the terms of the individual diversion plan, including methods for monitoring progress, and execute a written statement indicating consent. Such statement shall […]
(1) Upon successful completion of treatment, as outlined in the individual diversion plan, a request may be made to dismiss charges against the individual related to the offense for which diversion was initiated as an alternative to prosecution. (2) When the prosecutor and the court have determined that the individual has successfully completed treatment, as […]
If a person is diverted after conviction, but prior to sentencing, the court may order expunction from the record of the verdict of the court and all proceedings incident thereto upon successful completion of the diversion plan and a post-treatment period of three years, provided there have been no new convictions for misdemeanor or felony […]
If treatment under ORS 430.450 to 430.555 is unsuccessful, the prosecuting attorney and the court shall be notified before the defendant is released from treatment. After such notice the prosecution may be resumed. If the person has been convicted of the offense for which the person has been arrested, the court may proceed to impose […]
Termination of treatment under ORS 430.450 to 430.555 may be instituted at any time by either the prosecutor, the director of the treatment facility, the court or the person diverted into treatment. An order to terminate treatment shall be based upon a finding of substantial violation of the diversion plan or upon a showing to […]
(1) The Oregon Health Authority shall, subject to the availability of funds, develop bilingual forms to assist non-English-speaking persons in understanding their rights under ORS 430.450 to 430.555. (2) The authority shall assist county mental health programs in the development of comprehensive and coordinated identification, evaluation, treatment, education and rehabilitation services for the drug-dependent person. […]
(1) The county mental health program director shall designate sites for evaluation in the county plan of individuals who may be or are known to be drug dependent. The Oregon Health Authority shall establish standards for such sites, consistent with ORS 430.357, and periodically publish a list of approved sites. (2) The costs of evaluation […]
(1) Evaluation sites provided for under ORS 430.450 to 430.555 shall conduct such procedures as may be necessary to determine if an individual is a drug-dependent person. A person shall be evaluated only with that person’s written consent. Subject to approval of the Oregon Health Authority, the director of a treatment facility or the director […]
A person, otherwise eligible, may not be denied evaluation or treatment under ORS 430.450 to 430.555 on account of the person’s race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, age or ability to pay. [1977 c.871 §24; 2007 c.100 §26; 2021 c.367 §25]
Liability for violation of civil rights under ORS 430.450 to 430.555 or injuries to a person participating in a diversion program or caused by a person in a diversion program under ORS 430.450 to 430.555 shall, except in the case of gross negligence, be borne by the county making the arrest and the state in […]