US Lawyer Database

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Section 646.905 – Definitions for ORS 646.910 to 646.923.

As used in ORS 646.910 to 646.923: (1) “Alcohol” means a volatile flammable liquid having the general formula CnH(2n+1)OH used or sold for the purpose of blending or mixing with gasoline for use in propelling motor vehicles, and commonly or commercially known or sold as an alcohol, and includes ethanol or methanol. (2) “Biodiesel” means […]

Section 646.911 – Sale of gasoline with oxygenate other than ethanol.

Notwithstanding ORS 646.910, a person may sell, supply or offer to sell or supply gasoline in this state that contains any oxygenate other than ethanol, if the California Air Resources Board, the California Environmental Policy Council or the United States Environmental Protection Agency allows the use of the oxygenate. [2007 c.739 §23]

Section 646.915 – Requirement to display on fuel dispensing devices names and concentrations of oxygenates in certain blended gasolines; rules.

The State Department of Agriculture may adopt rules that require a retail dealer or nonretail dealer to display on fuel dispensing devices through which the retail dealer or nonretail dealer sells gasoline the names of the oxygenates and the relative concentrations of the oxygenates present in the gasoline if the retail dealer or nonretail dealer […]

Section 646.920 – Wholesale dealer; declaration of contents required.

Before or at the time of delivery of gasoline from a wholesale dealer to a retail dealer or nonretail dealer, the wholesale dealer must give the retail dealer or nonretail dealer on an invoice, bill of lading, shipping notice or other documentation, a declaration of the predominant oxygenate or combination of oxygenates present in concentration […]

Section 646.922 – Limitations on sale of diesel fuel; requirements for biodiesel content; exception for certain additives and for certain sellers and users; certificate of analysis; rules.

(1) A retail dealer, nonretail dealer or wholesale dealer may not sell or offer for sale diesel fuel unless the diesel fuel contains at least five percent biodiesel by volume or other renewable diesel with at least five percent renewable component by volume. Diesel fuel that contains more than five percent biodiesel by volume or […]

Section 646.925 – Enforcement; rules.

The State Department of Agriculture shall enforce the provisions of ORS 646.910 to 646.923 and is authorized to make any rules necessary to carry out the provisions of ORS 646.910 to 646.923 in accordance with the applicable provisions of ORS chapter 183. [1985 c.468 §5]

Section 646.930 – Motor vehicle fuel prices; requirements for display.

(1) A person who operates a service station, business or other place for the purpose of retailing and delivering gasoline, diesel or other fuel into the tanks of motor vehicles: (a) May display on a sign visible from the street the lowest cash prices charged for the sale of the lowest grades of gasoline, diesel […]

Section 646.932 – Requirement to post amount per gallon of gasoline that is federal, state and local tax; option to disclose cost per gallon of low carbon fuel standard; information from Department of Transportation and State Department of Agriculture; rules.

(1) As used in this section, “gas station” includes a filling station, service station, garage or any other place where gasoline is sold for use in motor vehicles. (2) The owner or operator of a gas station shall post, in a manner visible to customers, the following information: (a) The amount of the price per […]

Section 646.935 – Diesel fuel sales; price discrimination.

(1) No person operating a service station selling to the public at retail diesel fuel, where delivery is regularly made into a receptacle on a vehicle from which receptacle the fuel is supplied to propel the vehicle, shall refuse to sell and deliver any quantity of such fuel to any vehicle during regular business hours, […]

Section 646.945 – Definitions for ORS 646.947 to 646.963.

As used in ORS 646.947 to 646.963: (1) “Bulk facility” means a facility, including pipeline terminals, refinery terminals, rail and barge terminals and associated underground and aboveground tanks, connected or separate, from which motor vehicle fuels are withdrawn from bulk and delivered to retail, wholesale or nonretail facilities or into a cargo tank or barge […]

Section 646.947 – Prohibited activities.

Notwithstanding any other provision of ORS 646.947 to 646.963, it is unlawful for: (1) A dealer to sell or offer for sale any motor vehicle fuel using procedures that violate any rule or standard adopted pursuant to ORS 646.957. (2) A dealer to sell or offer for sale any gasoline from a dispensing device that […]

Section 646.949 – Signs identifying octane rating.

(1) A dealer who sells or offers for sale any gasoline shall conspicuously display a sign on each side of the dispensing device, using descriptive commercial terms that accurately identify the octane rating of the gasoline being dispensed from that device. The sign shall be of such size and design and shall be posted in […]

Section 646.951 – Testing of motor vehicle fuel.

(1) The Director of Agriculture may test motor vehicle fuel for the purpose of inspecting the motor vehicle fuel supply of any service station, business or other establishment that sells or offers for sale, or distributes, transports, hauls, delivers or stores motor vehicle fuel that is subsequently sold or offered for sale, for compliance with […]

Section 646.953 – Orders of Director of Agriculture.

(1) The Director of Agriculture may issue a stop-use order, hold order or removal order for any motor vehicle fuel offered or exposed for sale, or in the process of delivery or susceptible to commercial use, that is found to be not in compliance with the motor vehicle fuel quality standards adopted pursuant to ORS […]

Section 646.955 – Records required.

(1) Each operator of a bulk facility and each person who imports motor vehicle fuels into this state for sale in this state shall keep, for at least one year, at the person’s registered place of business complete and accurate records of any motor vehicle fuels sold if sold or delivered in this state, for […]

Section 646.957 – Rules.

(1) In accordance with any applicable provision of ORS chapter 183, the Director of Agriculture, not later than December 1, 1997, shall adopt rules to carry out the provisions of ORS 646.947 to 646.963. Such rules may include, but are not limited to, motor vehicle fuel grade advertising, pump grade labeling, testing procedures, quality standards […]

Section 646.959 – Annual fee for metering instrument or device.

(1)(a) In addition to and not in lieu of the license fee required by ORS 618.141, each dealer that operates a metering instrument or device, other than a remote readout device, that is required to be licensed by ORS 618.121 and that is operated for measuring motor vehicle fuel shall pay to the State Department […]