(1) As used in this section: (a) “Litter” means one or more dogs, sold individually or together, that are all or part of a group of dogs born to the same mother at the same time. (b) “Pet dealer” means, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this subsection, a person that sells five or […]
(1) A person may not sell or offer for sale a novelty item that contains encapsulated liquid mercury. (2) Upon notification to the Department of Environmental Quality by any person that a novelty item for sale in the state contains encapsulated liquid mercury, the department shall notify persons identified as selling the novelty item of […]
(1) As used in this section: (a) “Mercury vapor lighting fixture” means an artificial illumination device that produces a high-intensity discharge of light by passing electricity through mercury vapor. (b) “Outdoor lighting fixture” has the meaning given that term in ORS 757.765. (2) A person may not sell an outdoor lighting fixture that is a […]
(1) Any person engaging in floral retail sales shall disclose the person’s principal place of business in any written communications sent to customers, listings, advertising or websites that provide information about the person’s floral retail sales activities. (2) A person who violates subsection (1) of this section commits an unlawful practice under ORS 646.608. The […]
(1) As used in this section: (a) “Distributor” means any person engaged in the business of distributing or supplying motion pictures to exhibitors by rental, sales, license or any other agreement to sell rights to exhibit a motion picture. (b) “Exhibitor” means any person engaged in the business of operating one or more theaters in […]
(1) As used in this section: (a) “Buyer” means a person that purchases or leases a motor vehicle. (b) “Final approval of funding” means a lender’s irrevocable agreement to purchase a retail installment contract or lease agreement from a seller according to the exact terms that the seller and buyer have negotiated. (c) “Lender” means […]
(1) As used in this section: (a) “Advertisement” means any public notice or announcement of a motor vehicle for sale or lease. (b) “Motor vehicle” has the meaning given that term in ORS 801.360, except that “motor vehicle” does not include commercial vehicles, as defined in ORS 801.210, or commercial motor vehicles, as defined in […]
(1) As used in this section: (a) “Advertise” means to communicate about a consumer good by newspaper, radio, television, handbill, placard or other print, broadcast or electronic medium within this state for the purpose of selling the consumer good. (b) “Consumer goods” means goods that an individual uses or buys for use primarily for personal, […]
(1) Whenever the purchaser of a product sold at retail is offered ongoing technical support or service relating to the operation or use of the product, and the support or service is offered exclusively or in part through an information delivery system, the product or package of the product shall contain, in clear view to […]
(1) As used in this section: (a) “Commission” means compensation accruing to a sales representative for payment by a principal, the rate of which is expressed as a percentage of the amount of orders or sales or as a specified amount per order or per sale. (b) “Principal” means a person who does not have […]
As used in ORS 646A.100 to 646A.110: (1) “Affiliated business” means a business or business location that is directly or indirectly controlled by, or under common control with, the business location listed in a notice of intent or that has a common ownership interest in the merchandise to be sold at the business location listed […]
(1) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, a person may not sell, offer for sale or advertise for sale merchandise at a going out of business sale unless the person displays a notice of intent at the business location where the person intends to conduct the going out of business sale. (2) […]
A notice of intent must include: (1) The name, address, telephone number and signature of the owner of the merchandise that will be sold at the going out of business sale. If the owner is a corporation, trust, unincorporated association, partnership or other legal entity, the notice of intent must include the signature and title […]
A person may not conduct a going out of business sale if a person who has an ownership interest in the business or in the merchandise to be sold is subject to a court order resulting from a civil enforcement action under ORS 646.608 or 646A.100 to 646A.110. [2007 c.820 §4]
(1) A person that intends to conduct a going out of business sale may not transfer merchandise from an affiliated business or business location to the location of the sale. (2) A person, after displaying a notice of intent at a business location where the person intends to conduct a going out of business sale, […]
(1) ORS 646.608 (1)(ddd), 646A.100 to 646A.110 and 646A.112 apply only to persons who engage in the retail sale of merchandise in the regular course of their business. (2) ORS 646.608 (1)(ddd), 646A.100 to 646A.110 and 646A.112 do not apply to public officials acting within the scope of their duties as public officials. [2007 c.820 […]
(1) As used in this section: (a) “Appropriate court” has the meaning given that term in ORS 646.605. (b) “Relevant market” means: (A) A product market that consists of products or services that a consumer would regard as interchangeable or substitutable by reason of the products’ or services’ characteristics, prices and intended use; or (B) […]
(1) As used in this section: (a) “Admission ticket” means evidence of a purchaser’s right of entry to a venue or an entertainment event. (b) “Entertainment event” means a performance, recreation, amusement, diversion, spectacle, show or similar event including, but not limited to, a theatrical or musical performance, concert, film, game, ride or sporting event. […]