There is created under the Director of the Employment Department a division, to be known as the Oregon State Employment Service, which shall be affiliated with the United States Employment Service. Such division shall be administered by a person well qualified by technical training and experience in the functions to be performed. [Amended by 1959 […]
(1) The Director of the Employment Department shall establish and maintain such free public employment offices, including such branch or affiliate offices, as may be necessary for the proper administration of this chapter and for participation in Oregon’s workforce development system. (2) The director may enter into such contracts or memoranda of understanding with designated […]
The State of Oregon hereby accepts the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 6, 1933, entitled “An act to provide for the establishment of a national employment system and for cooperation with the states in the promotion of such system, and for other purposes.”
(1) The Director of the Employment Department is designated and constituted the agency of this state for the purpose of the Wagner-Peyser Act. The director shall cooperate with all authorities of the United States having powers and duties under the Wagner-Peyser Act and do and perform all things necessary to secure to this state the […]
The Director of the Employment Department may divide the state into such number of employment districts as the director finds necessary and maintain a district office in each of said districts.