(1) Upon the complaint of any citizen of this state, or upon its own initiative, the Oregon Medical Board may investigate any alleged violation of this chapter. If, after the investigation, the board has reason to believe that any person is subject to prosecution criminally for the violation of this chapter, it shall lay the […]
The Oregon Medical Board may maintain a suit for an injunction against any person violating ORS 677.080 (4). Any person who has been so enjoined may be punished for contempt by the court issuing the injunction. An injunction may be issued without proof of actual damage sustained by any person. An injunction shall not relieve […]
(1) The district attorney of each county shall prosecute any violation of this chapter occurring in the county. The Oregon Medical Board shall be represented by the Attorney General acting under ORS 180.140. Each district attorney shall bring to the attention of the grand jury of the county any information independently developed by the district […]
(1) Members of the Oregon Medical Board, members of its administrative and investigative staff, medical consultants, and its attorneys acting as prosecutors or counsel shall have the same privilege and immunities from civil and criminal proceedings arising by reason of official actions as prosecuting and judicial officers of the state. (2) No person who has […]
[Amended by 1967 c.470 §6; renumbered 677.075]